crying out in a noisy way Word Definition Picture Sentence crying out in a noisy way bawling I couldn’t sleep because my baby brother was bawling noisily.
a small wolf-like mammal living in many parts of North America Word Definition Picture Sentence a small wolf-like mammal living in many parts of North America coyote Did you know that a coyote has many things in common with a wolf?.
Word Definition Picture Sentence people raised in the city, especially easterners who vacation on a ranch dudes All of the dudes looked funny as they tried to ride a horse for the first time.
roundup Word Definition Picture Sentence the act of driving or bringing cattle together from long distances roundup During the roundup, we herded all the cattle into a group and moved them to a new place.
spurs Word Definition Picture Sentence metal points or pointed wheels worn on a rider’s boot heels for urging a horse on spurs Just a light touch of the spurs to the side of my horse causes him to move.