Life in the English Colonies Chapter 4.2 Life in the English Colonies Government
** Early colonists spent most of their time trying to survive- but now they can focus on other important issues like government Forms of Government Colonial Assemblies Colonies governed themselves (independently from each other) but had direction from England Colonies had assemblies (elected body) modeled after England’s Parliament Bicameral legislature (two houses) Power to tax, control military Also had governors (either elected or appointed) Often influenced each other
The Dominion of New England After the death of King Charles II, his brother James II took over and tried to establish more control over the colonies Suspended charters and united New England’s colonies under one government Dominion of New England (The New England Colonies and Middle Colonies included) King sent a new governor to oversee this Of course the colonists were upset about this When they protested, they were arrested and jailed
King James II Seal of Dominion of New England
Glorious Revolution James II was unpopular in England as well Parliament asked his protestant daughter Mary and her husband William to take the throne – they did so in 1688 (James fled the country) New charters established in the colonies The Glorious Revolution led to the establishment of the English Bill of Rights As time went on Colonists increasingly valued their right to elect representatives to decide local issues VideoC:\Documents and Settings\erin.ballantyne\Desktop\The_Glorious_Revolution__1688_1689.asf
William and Mary Save the Day!!
5.1 Post Reading After the Revolution, Dominion colonies formed new assemblies and declared support for William and Mary. In time, the monarchs issued new charters for the colonies, restoring their governments. Also, ideas of Parliament that resulted in a decline in the monarch’s power. Over time, the colonists increasingly valued their own right to decide local issue!