Is this website reliable. Is this website conventional Is this website reliable? Is this website conventional? Is this website effective? To know what CARS and FLAP are. To understand how to use CARS and FLAP when evaluating and creating a website. To be able to analyze the reliability of a website description and to create a flat-plan of a website with CARS and FLAP in mind. CARS: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support FLAP: Form, Language, Audience, Purpose
You will be doing the following on Friday. To know what CARS and FLAP are. To understand how to use CARS and FLAP when evaluating and creating a website. You will be doing the following on Friday. Reading a scenario in the form of a paragraph describing a website; you will evaluate in a short paragraph whether that website that is being described is reliable or not. You will quickly design a website, and you will explain in a paragraph how your website design will help your target audience. Label the different parts of the website on your rough sketch. You must review CARS and FLAP. CARS: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support FLAP: Form, Language, Audience, Purpose
To know what CARS and FLAP are. To understand how to use CARS and FLAP when evaluating and creating a website. CARS: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support FLAP: Form, Language, Audience, Purpose
You will be given a scenario. You are doing research on effective ways to discipline children. The website that you find has been setup by a father of five children. There are nice pictures on the website of him and his family, but some of the links and the navigation bars are difficult to understand. The content area has a lot of different information in a very long paragraph of how to raise children. There are some minor spelling mistakes, but you think the advice given is reasonable. This father does not seem to complete any research, however. His credentials show that he has a Bachelors Degree from Cambridge University and a Masters Degree from Harvard University both in Environmental Engineering. What is the purpose of this site? Would you use it in your research? Why or why not? (NOTE: you must include CARS in your paragraph response)
To be able to analyze the reliability of a website description and to create a flat-plan of a website with CARS and FLAP in mind. CARS: Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, Support FLAP: Form, Language, Audience, Purpose
Task: Create a rough sketch (i. e Task: Create a rough sketch (i.e., a flat plan) of a website homepage that explains how important FLAP is when evaluating different media texts. This website must be designed to help Grade 6-8 students. You will write a 125-word paragraph explaining the effectiveness of your website in helping target audience evaluate websites. Specifications for Media Studies Strand Your website homepage uses the conventions and techniques that are appropriate. Your website considers the research needs and media expectations of the audience by using design and language elements that help them to understand the topic and use the resource efficiently; Your website uses language that is suitable for the intended audience and is free of distracting errors; Your website follows the conventions with precision; in other words, it looks like a website.
To know what CARS and FLAP are. To understand how to use CARS and FLAP when evaluating and creating a website.
To know what CARS and FLAP are. To understand how to use CARS and FLAP when evaluating and creating a website.