Mrs. Verwys Welcome to Earth Science Mrs. Verwys
Class Requirements Tests = 55% Quizzes = 20% Labs = 15% Homework 10% Homework is given every night. Any homework that is missed can be made up the next day only, for ½ credit. Quizzes approximately once a week. Unit tests approximately once a month. Labs are turned in approximately once a week and will need to be kept on file as evidence of successful completion of 1200 laboratory minutes.
Absences and Extra Help Students are responsible for obtaining any missed notes due to absences. Hand-outs are kept on file for 1 week after the day they are given out. Extra help is Monday & Tuesday 2:41-3:01 and Thursday 2:41-3:11. The schedule may change according to student needs.
Regents exam is comprised of two components New York State Regents Regents exam is comprised of two components a. Lab test given end of May or beginning of June during class time. b. Written test made up of multiple choice and short answer questions.
Extra regents practice Barron’s Review Course Series: Let’s Review Earth Science by Edward Denecke Jr. free website $24.99 for a 6 month subscription for access to regents questions in every subject.
Encourage your child to ask questions whenever they are confused.