Egyptian Achievements: Writing (pg. 108 – 109)
I. Writing in Ancient Egypt A. Written on papyrus B. Made by. . . 1.pressing layers of reed together 2. pounding them into sheets
C. Written with brushes and ink A slate palette, a reed brush holder and drawstring sack for dried ink cakes. On it's right a scribes palette with hieratic script inscription
D. Hieroglyphics 1. More than 600 symbols 2. symbols represent sounds 3. written horizontally or vertically from right to left or from left to right
II. Rosetta Stone A. Hieroglyphics un-readable for centuries B. Stone found in 1799 (year) C. Same proclamation written in 3 different languages 1. hieroglyphics 2. Greek 3. later form of Egyptian D. Scholars knew Greek so they could decode hieroglyphics
III. Egyptian Texts A. Texts survive because of dry climate B. Historians can read 1. government records 2. historical records 3. science texts 4. medical manuals 5. literary works music