Datapath and Control Exceptions


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Presentation transcript:

Datapath and Control Exceptions 5.1-5.3 5.6

Goal Build an architecture to support the following instructions Arithmetic: add, sub, addi,slt Memory references: lw, sw Branches: jump, beq

Process Design basic framework that is needed by all instructions Build a computer for each individually Add MUXes to choose between different operations Add control signals to control the MUXes

MIPS trends Get an ____________ from memory using the ______________ (___) Read ____ or _____ registers each instruction _____ register: _____ registers:

MIPS trends All instructions use ______ after reading regs Some instructions also access _______ Write result to ________

Framework Use ALU Get instruction from memory Read from register file Access memory Write register file

What *exactly* is memory? Interface: reads: input output writes: Variation Multi-ported May read or write multiple items at the same time Must add inputs / outputs

Instruction Fetch Where are instructions stored? ________ How do we know where to fetch and instruction? ___________ What happens to the PC each instruction? ____________ By how much does the PC change? _____ What determines this amount? _________ Is the PC one of the 32 regs? Why or why not?

Get Instruction

“Add” instruction Where does the instruction tell what registers to read? Where does the instruction tell what register to write?

“Add” Instruction Operation rs rt rd shamt funct # meaning add 3 5 2 32 # $2 <- $3 + $5 Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction

“Addi” Instruction Operation rs rt imm # meaning addi $5,$3,6 3 5 6 # $5 <- $3 + 6 Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction

Sign Extension How do we go from 16-bit number to 32-bit number? How about 4-bit to 8-bit. 0111 = 7 = ________ 1110 = -2 = ________ So, how do we do it?

Reading/Write Registers When does register get written? What would happen if we allowed write to occur at any time?

Putting them together Instruction Memory op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction

Putting them together Control Unit 4 Register File PC op/fun rs rt rd ALUOp ALUSrc 4 RegDest src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata PC op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory Inst M U X M U X 16 Sign Ext 32

Machine Speed What determines the clock rate of a machine? _____________________ Making something bigger makes it:

Load Word (lw) Operation rs rt imm # meaning lw $5,8($3) 3 5 8 Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction

Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data

Store Word (sw) Operation rs rt imm # meaning sw $5,8($3) 3 5 8 Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction 16 Sign Ext 32

Address calculation identical to load word Out Data Data Memory In Data

Putting them together Instruction Memory op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction 16 Sign Ext 32

Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data

Putting them together Data Memory Control Unit 4 Register File PC MemWr MemRd ALUOp 4 RegWrite Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata PC op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory Inst 16 Sign Ext 32

Ld/St Questions Are the data and instruction memory the same thing? How do they differ?

Ld/St Questions What is the advantage to split memory? What is the advantage to unified memory?

Beq What ALU operation are we going to perform? We add a ______ bit as an output to the ALU. To perform a jump, we need to change the ________

beq Operation rs rt imm # meaning Beq $3,$5,lp 3 5 6 # if ($3 == $5) goto lp Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction

Beq The immediate field is the number of _____________ to advance. The address is expressed in ___________. Each instruction is _____ bytes We need to multiply the # instructions by ______ or shift left by _____

Jump Instruction The absolute address is stored in the target – do not add to current address Absolute address is only ______ bits PC is ______ 32 We get the top bits by Sign extending target? Concatenating target?

j (jump) Operation Target address # meaning J loop 0x0174837 # goto loop Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory PC 4 op/fun rs rt rd imm src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata Instruction

The Whole Shebang Data Memory << 2 << 2 4 Register File PC Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata PC op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory Inst 16 Sign Ext 32

Exceptions 5.6

Unexpected Events Internal External

Definitions Anything unexpected happens PowerPC External event occurs Internal event occurs Change in control flow Exception Interrupt PowerPC Intel MIPS

Exception-Handling Stop Transfer control to OS Tell OS what happened Begin executing where we left off

1. Detect Exception Add control lines to detect errors

Step 2: Store PC into EPC Data Memory << 2 << 2 4 Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata PC op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory Inst 16 Sign Ext 32

Step 3: Tell OS the problem Store error code in the _________ Use vectored interrupts Use error code to determine _________

Cause Register Set a flag in the cause register How does the OS find out if an overflow occurred if the bit corresponding to an overflow is bit 5?

Vectored Interrupts The address of trap handler is determined by cause Exception type Exception vector address (in hex) Undefined Instruction C0 00 00 00hex Arithmetic Overflow C0 00 00 20hex

Cause Register – Go to OS Handler PC << 2 -4 Cause << 2 4 EPC Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata PC op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory Inst 16 Sign Ext 32

Vectored Interrupt – Go to OS Cause Vector Table << 2 << 2 -4 4 EPC Addr Out Data Data Memory In Data src1 src1data src2 src2data Register File destreg destdata PC op/fun rs rt rd imm Read Addr Out Data Instruction Memory Inst 16 Sign Ext 32