Volunteer Health Care Program Bejack Lor Provider Recruitment Coordinator June 30, 2015 Hello, My name is Bejack Lor, the Provider Recruitment Coordinator for the Primary Care Office, PCO. With me today, I have Traici Brockman, Primary Care Coordinator, and Shelley Malofsky, DHS Attorney. We will be taking down questions and will have time at the end of the presentation to answer those questions. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Agenda Wis. Stat. § 146.89 Out-of-state providers History, key points Annual report 2013 Wis. Act 344 FAQ and time slot for other questions Additional health care professions Renewal cycle 2013 Wis. Act 241 Transfer of administration The agenda today will cover key points of the Programs statute. We’ll also go over some key points from Acts 344 and Acts 241, which relate directly to the statute. We’ll then move onto the frequently asked questions, which were obtained prior to this webinar. Finally, we’ll cover the Renewal cycle and end our presentation. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Wis. Stat. § 146.89 Created in 1990. A person in a specified health care profession may submit a joint application, together with a participating school or nonprofit agency, to participate in the program. Participating volunteer health care providers are considered agents of the state for limited purposes. You can find the full statute online. I can also send you the link if you email a request. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
2013 Wis. Act 344 2013 Wis. Act 344 adds several categories to the list of health care professionals eligible to participate in the volunteer health care provider program. The Act also makes changes regarding the administration of the program. The Act went into effect in April 2014. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Health Care Professionals Eligible to Participate State-licensed physicians Nurse-midwives Optometrists Dentists Physician assistants Dental hygienists Pharmacists Registered nurses Chiropractors Practical nurses Podiatrists These are the eligible professions, the list continues onto the next slide. If a profession is not listed, it is not covered by the VHCP. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Health Care Professionals Eligible to Participate Physical therapists People who perform certain functions of pharmacy technicians State-certified dietitians Certain nurse practitioners The continued list of eligible professions. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Health Care Professionals Eligible to Participate After 2013 Wis. Act 344, additional categories Licensed psychologists Social workers who hold state social worker certificates Licensed marriage and family therapists Licensed professional counselors Advanced practice nurses who are certified to issue prescription orders With Act 344, these other professions were included into the VHCP. These categories, along with the previous categories, are in statute. Again, should a profession not be listed in statute, they are not covered by the VHCP. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
2013 Wis. Act 241: Transfer of Administration 2013 Wis. Act 344 transfers the primary administration of the VHCP from the Department of Administration (DOA) to the Department of Health Services (DHS) Online database and management system: https://dhsapps.health.wisconsin.gov/VHCP As many of you are aware, the VHCP was initially with another state agency, the Department of Administration. As of January, 2015, the Department of Health Services took over the administrative duties for the VHCP. The previous application process required applicants to apply by paper. Since the transfer, we are now paperless and on an online database. You can find the link on our PCO website and on DOA’s VHCP site (the original site). Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
2013 Wis. Act 344 and 241: Credentialing All nonprofit agencies must assume the responsibility for approving individuals to be volunteer health care providers All nonprofit agencies must research and validate an individual’s credentials before submitting the joint application to be a volunteer health care provider Both acts also changed the credentialing process. Originally, the DOA would confirm every applications credentials before registering them for the program. Now, the nonprofit agencies confirm their applicants credentials. You should first confirm your volunteer’s license and credentials with the Department of Safety and Professional Services. There are other resources you may use to confirm an individuals credentials, some resources at zero to low cost, and some with a fee. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
2013 Wis. Act 241: Out-of-State Providers Allows health care providers who are properly licensed, certified, or registered in another state or territory to participate in Wisconsin’s VHCP if they meet certain requirements No out-of-state provider may provide services under the VHCP for more than 60 days in any 90-day period No out-of-state dentists or dental hygienists may participate in the VHCP Not covered like in state providers. Not for schools. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
2013 Wis. Act 241: Annual Report Wis. Stat. § 146.89(3)(i) requires nonprofit agencies to prepare and submit an annual report Reports will be entered into the VHCP every January Nonprofit agencies will include the types and number of health care services (total number of visits and/or number of patients) they provided The points in bold are the required data to be reported. Other states, with their own VHCP, track other data – to be used as leverage. For funds, to make changes, or for information purposes for the public. It would be great if your agency could say that your contribution to your community is X amount of dollars. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
2013 Wis. Act 241: Annual Report Volunteer participants will include the types of service provided, the total number of hours of service, and whether there will be a change in hours (increase, decrease, or remain the same) the following year Registered Volunteer Health Care Program agency contacts may prepare and submit the volunteer reports, in place of the provider Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Frequently Asked Questions: Terminology Primarily is defined as having “more than half” (Note: if you have more uninsured patients than insured patients, you fall under primarily uninsured patients) Uninsured is defined as “not having any health insurance” and should not be confused with underinsured (Note: patients who have BadgerCare or a high deductible plan are considered insured) Timeframe – The duration of the applicant’s coverage cycle, meaning 1 year from when the volunteer was registered. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Frequently Asked Questions: Terminology Underinsured is defined as having insurance, but the insurance is inadequate to cover certain health needs Scope of practice is the description of procedures, actions, and processes that the health care profession is permitted to perform according to the terms of the health care profession’s license Department of Safety and Professional Services will have details regarding each profession’s scope of practice. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Frequently Asked Questions: Liability Coverage Out-of-state providers with sufficient liability coverage are not eligible for the VHCP coverage Wis. Stat. § 893.82: provides the attorney general with adequate time to investigate claims that might result in judgments to be paid by the state places a limit ($250,000) on the amounts recoverable in civil actions or civil proceedings against any state officer, employee, or agent If your out-of-state provider already has sufficient coverage, personal or other non-VHCP, liability coverage, they are NOT eligible in the VHCP. To clarify the $250,000 limit, should a claim be filed for more than $250,000 (as an example, $1 million) and win, they will only recover $250,000 – not the full million. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Frequently Asked Questions: Schools Wis. Stat. § 146.89(3r)(c)4 states that any school in the VHCP would not be able to provide any contraceptive article (e.g., drug, medicine, mixture, instrument, or device used to prevent a pregnancy) Out-of-state providers are not covered for schools At present, we don’t have any schools registered in the VHCP. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
Annual Renewal Cycle The renewal cycle is January 1 to January 31 annually You may register volunteers at any time but will renew their coverage every January Example: You register volunteer John in October of 2015. In January of 2016, you renew all your volunteers, including John. The benefit of renewing your volunteers in the January cycle is that everyone will have the same coverage cycle. This will allow you to keep track of all your volunteers coverage. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin
“The only bad question is a question not asked.” Questions “The only bad question is a question not asked.” Bejack Lor Primary Care Office: DHSPrimaryCareOffice@dhs.wisconsin.gov VHCP contact: DHSVHCP@dhs.wisconsin.gov PCO site will have resources 24/7. The DHSVHCP email is a shared inbox with the PCO. At present, we have 50 registered Agencies, 2 pending agencies – requiring further documentation. We have 1,297 registered providers, 2 of which are out-of-state. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin