Colon Usage
Rule 1 Use a colon after a sentence or independent clause when introducing a list of items. Incorrect: "All dogs must get: food, water, and healthcare." Reason: The part of the sentence before the colon does not illustrate a complete thought. Correct: "There are three things that every dog needs: food, water, and healthcare."
Rule 2 Use a colon to introduce a quotation (needs to be an independent clause before quote). Ex: My teacher’s remark on my final essay was very complimentary: “This essay coherently analyzes musical trends of the late 20th century.”
Rule 3 Use a colon following a greeting (also known as a salutation) in a letter Example: Dear Mrs. Stivers:
Rule 4 Use a colon between two clauses when the second explains or illustrates the first, or if you want to emphasize the second clause. Ex: I have very little time to learn the language: my new job starts in five weeks. Ex: A college degree is still worth something: a recent survey revealed that college graduates earned roughly 60% more than those with only a high school diploma.
Where Should the Colon Go? The catering facility offers the following entrees fried catfish, grilled chicken, pan-seared salmon, and sirloin steak. I don’t understand why everyone shops at that store everything there is so expensive. I gave you the spray bottles for one reason to clean the windows. My father ended every conversation in the same way “Don’t give up.” I have to go to summer school I am two credits short. There is a lot of noise outside school was dismissed early Jay is at the airport he came home early