Mr. Garcia Period 1, 2, 3 – Reading 1 Period 4 – Intermediate Reading Period 5 – Early Intermediate Reading Period 6 – Football/Baseball Room 1003 (714) 996-4970 Ext. 1003 Pride, Tradition, and Excellence
Students will be expected to: Follow all directions at all times. * RESPECT their peers, themselves, and the teacher at all times. * Be RESPONSIBLE in coming to class prepared 1. Bringing all necessary materials to class 2. Having assigned work completed on time. NO LATE WORK, EXCUSSED ABSENCES O.K. 3. Pick up work, assignments when you are absent. Make up test, quiz will be given when you return from an absence. If you are truant, you receive a zero.
Continued…… No chewing gum. Throw gum in trash as you enter the room. Do not stand by the door at the end of the period waiting for the bell to ring.
Consequences for students who choose not to follow the class standards are: Verbal warning by teacher or peers Possible referral, detention, teacher parent conference, phone call *****Any action committed by a student that would cause injury to him/her or another, or results in damage to property, will result in a referral to the counselor immediately.
Tardy and Attendance Policy Do not hang out by the door when the bell rings, if you are not in your seat when the bell rings, YOU ARE LATE. 1st Tardy – warning 2nd & 3rd – Teacher 30 minute detention 4th & 5th – After school detention (possible referral, parent contact) 6th – Saturday work, parent contact, referral to counselor and attendance 7th – Adiós, see you later, dropped from class.
Cheating Policy – “Code of Ethics” Cheating includes: turning in someone else’s work as your own, cutting and pasting excerpts from the internet and passing as your own work, copying homework, using notes during test or quizzes. Giving answers to other classes, students about a test you already took. (Period 1 giving answers to Period 2 and 3, etc.) Referral to counselor, parent conference, possible suspension.
Grading Policy Homework/Classwork 50% Test/Quizzes 35% Semester Final 15% 100 – 89.5% A 89.4 – 79.5 % B 79.4 – 69.5% C 69.4% - 59.5% D 59.4% or Below F ***Extra credit can be earned, but I DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE OUT EXTRA CREDIT.
Student & Parent/Guardian signature Student name___________________________ Student signature________________________ Parent/Guardian name___________________ Parent/Guardian signature______________________________ Date_________________________________ ***My student has explained and we have discussed their expectations and behavior for Mr. Garcia’s class.