Cooperative Learning Concepts Basics of Cooperative Learning Mervin Maxwell, RRC/CAE/CDD
Five Essential Elements 1. Positive Interdependence 2. Face-to-Face Interaction 3. Individual Accountability 4. Interpersonal & Small Group Skills 5. Group Processing 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Positive Interdependence Students perceive that they need each other in order to complete the group task. This is accomplished by establishing: Students agree on answers & solution strategies Mutual Goals [learn and make sure all other group members learn] 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Positive Interdependence Assign Role Responsibility / Division of Labor – each member performs his/her job or duty Common Rewards – if all group members achieve the goal, each member will receive a reward 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Positive Interdependence Shared Resources/Dependent on each other’s resources – one paper for each group or each member receives and/or obtains part of the information from other members All members are linked together, one cannot succeed unless the group succeeds Learn your partner’s answer 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Face-to-Face Interaction Students promote each other’s learning by helping, sharing, e& encouraging, efforts to learn. Students explain, discuss, and teach what they know to their classmates. Groups are physically structured [I.e., around a small table] so that students sit and talk through each aspect of the assignment. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Face-to-Face Interaction Students orally explain to each other how to solve problems. Students discuss concepts & strategies being learned. Students teach their knowledge to each other. Students explain to each other the connections between what they are doing now & how it related to past material. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Face-to-Face Interaction Students help, assist, encourage, and support each other throughout the learning process. Share your answer with a partner. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Individual Accountability Each student’s performance is frequently assessed & the results are given to the group and the individual. Individual accountability is accompanied by giving an individual test to each student, or randomly selecting one group member to give the answer. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Individual Accountability Instructor ensures each member is assessed with feedback to group & to individual. Group cannot rely on one member – no one dominant member. Individual written assessments. Randomly calling on one member for all. Individual oral exams within the group. Formulate an answer individually. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Interpersonal & Small Group Skills Groups cannot function effectively is students do not have and use the needed social skills. Collaborate skills include: leadership decision-making trust building communication conflict-management skills 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Interpersonal & Small Group Skills Teach leadership & conflict resolution skills Explain decision making, trust building, and communication skills. Students are not used to this method and must be trained in it. Listen carefully to your partner’s answers. Create a new answer through discussion. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Group Processing Groups need specific time to discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships among members. The group processing is accomplished by assigning such tasks as [a] list at least 3 member actions that helped the group be successful, and [b] list 1 action that could be added to make the group even more successful tomorrow. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Group Processing Instructors also monitor the groups and give feedback on how well the groups are working together to the groups and to the class as a whole. How well is the group achieving its goals? How well is the group maintaining effective working relationships? 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Group Processing Ask what is something that each member did that was helpful to the group? Ask what is something that each member could do that would be helpful to the group? Ensure each member gets feedback, remind students to practice collaborative skills. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Types of Groups Informal Groups Formal Groups Base Groups 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Informal groups Typically used in a classroom – 15 min. lecture, 5 min. group; 15 min. lecture, 5 min. group; summary 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Informal groups Temporary – one discussion or one class period. Purpose: focus student attention on material to be learned, set a mood to conducive learning, ensure students are learning material, provide closure to an instructional lesson. 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Informal groups Can be used anytime. Especially useful during a lecture. Helps pass information from the notes to the student. Focused discussions Ask questions in class End class with a discussion 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Informal groups Turn to your partner discussion – 3-4 minutes [making thinking visible!] Formulate &/or summarize an answer to a question just asked by you Share your ideas with a partner Listen to other person’s point of view Create a new answer resolving any differences Randomly pick a group 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Formal Group Typically lab groups, projects, etc. Last 1 class to several weeks Purpose: complete a specific task Procedure Receive instruction from instructor Instructor assigns groups, provides materials Instructor explains task Instructor monitors group 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Formal Group Procedure [continued] Groups present their model & solution Class discusses solutions Each group prepares a report Instructor & Class evaluate 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Base Groups Long term Stable membership Groups personalize the work required & course learning experience Group responsibilities Give assistance, support, & encouragement for mastering the content & skills needed to understand the theory of the material 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics
Cooperative Learning Basics Base Groups Group Responsibilities [continued] Ensure all members engage in intellectual controversy, get work done on time, and apply what is learned Ensure all members of all interacting base groups master the theories, concepts, skills, and knowledge of the course [] 17/04/2019 Cooperative Learning Basics