Key Term Models Four Square Tri-Model Cornell Method
Key Term Formal Definition from textbook. Definition in your own words. Key Term Illustration ,drawing or picture A Complete sentence / 7-up sentence
Definition in your own words Formal Definition Key Term Illustration, drawing, or picture A complete sentence/ 7-up sentence Formal Definition Definition in your own words Key Term Illustration, drawing, or picture A complete sentence/ 7-up sentence
Formal Definition from textbook. Definition in your own words. Key Term Illustration/drawing/picture
Definition in your own words Formal Definition Key Term Illustration, drawing, or picture Formal Definition Definition in your own words Key Term Illustration, drawing, or picture
Key Term Definition Key Term Formal definition
Key Term Definition recycle To use something over and over again in order to conserve resources. barter Trade of one kind of product for another without the use of money. A very dry region that receives less than 10 inches of rain per year. desert