September 24-28, 2017 Mathematics Language Arts Please feel free to email me, or drop a note in your child’s folder about any questions and/or concerns. We have snack at 2:00 every day so please pack a snack for your child. No peanut products are allowed due to allergies. Remember to check your child’s folder every day! Have your student practice writing their sight words with you. September 24 Birthday Celebration in the cafeteria September 25 – McDonald’s Night October 5– Parish Fair Holiday October 12 – No school for students. Professional development for teachers. Mathematics - This week we are working on counting to 10 forward and backward. -We are writing numbers 6-10 -We are learning about the color brown. -Practice counting with your child at home. Language Arts - We are working on letters P-Z. -We are learning how to write and spell our sight words. -Sight Words: the, little