Who’s Got Two Thumbs and Is Kind of A Big Deal? Unit 5: Modern India
Mohandas Gandhi 1869-1948 Born as a Kshatriya Studied in London Wants Equality Studied in London Takes a job in South Africa Works against discrimination Develops Satyagraha “Devotion to truth” Civil Disobedience- Nonviolent Blend All Religions Becomes known as Mahatma “Great Soul”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”
Mohammad Ali Jinnah 1876-1948 Studied at Bombay University Became a lawyer Elected President of Muslim League in 1916. Already a member of Indian National congress Split with INC in 1920 over ‘non cooperation.” Leader of the Pakistan Independence movement First Leader of Independent Paksitan
Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience Movement Unit 5: India
Gandhi's Theory on Civil Disobedience Does one have a moral obligation to always obey the law? Should one obey an unjust law? Civil Disobedience-disobeying unjust laws
Gandhi's Non Cooperation Movement: 1920 Boycotts Refuse to buy British Goods Refuse to attend government schools Pay taxes Vote in elections Ride railroad 1 day work stoppage Gandhi and Jinnah split over the issue
Non Cooperation Movement results British economy suffered. Jails became overcrowded. Muslims and Hindu’s Split Several British officers were murdered. Gandhi Calls off movement
Salt March: 1930 British have monopoly on Salt. Control sale and tax Gandhi wants to break monopoly March 241 miles to Dandi Spoke to crowds Followers grew larger Picked up natural salt when he reached Dandi 60,000 arrested w/ Gandhi
The Tides Begin to Turn Unit 5: Modern India
Movement Towards Victory 1935 Government of India Act: Limited self gov’t Democratic elections Tensions still exist between Hindus and Muslims Why? Who will Rule?
Final Push WWII Who will rule? Muhammad Ali Jinnah British Exhausted Negotiations begin Who will rule? Hindus or Muslims Muhammad Ali Jinnah Pushes for Pakistan Violence erupts in Calcutta August 1946 Thousands dead & Injured