Fig. 2 Whisker deprivation accelerates and enhances behavioral recovery after right S1FP photothrombosis. Whisker deprivation accelerates and enhances behavioral recovery after right S1FP photothrombosis. (A) Cylinder rearing test shows forepaw use during exploratory behavior. (B) Graph shows limb use asymmetry before (Pre) and 1 (WK1), 3 (WK3), 5 (WK5), and 7 (WK7) weeks after photothrombosis in the experimental groups described in Fig. 1A. *,‡P ≤ 0.05, ***,+++,###,‡‡‡P ≤ 0.001 compared to baseline time point (Pre), using repeated-measures ANOVA with Newman-Keuls multiple pairwise comparisons. WT-Control, n = 22; WT-Depriv, n = 16; Arc-Control, n = 7; Arc-Depriv, n = 7. Andrew W. Kraft et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaag1328 Published by AAAS