The following revisions have been made to the FFY19 SNAP-Ed Guidance The following revisions have been made to the FFY19 SNAP-Ed Guidance. As you may have noticed, all sections with new content or revisions have been marked with the text reading NEW following with End of the new material. This will hopefully assist users in identifying this information.
What’s New in the Guidance • Staff time and effort (page 92) • Clarification of State and local agencies as cognizant agency for food service and safety regulations (page 89) • Increase of NERI to $5 (page 84-90) Additional guidance on documentation of staff time and effort. Nutrition Education Reinforcements Items increase. Please change $4 to $5 on page 84.
What’s New in the Guidance • Clarification that knives are not an acceptable NERI (page 90) • Efforts to reduce food waste are an allowable PSE change (page 86) • Conference attendance guidelines (page 97) Inclusion of efforts to reduce food waste are an allowable PSE. Updated conference attendance guidelines to reflect attendance at national, regional, or state/local conferences/meetings.
What’s New in the Guidance •Clarification for allowable costs for focus groups (page 85) • USDA logo Visual Standards Guide (page 156) • FPRS process (page 63-64) Reference for the USDA logo Visual Standards Guide for use in publications. Explanation of process for making changes to agencies and users in the Food Program Reporting System (FPRS) database.