The Unit Review LiveLesson is 1/23/19 Unit 1 Study Guide For Quiz: Study Grammar and Vocabulary For Test: Study Vocabulary, Literature Selections, Literary Terms, and Essay Prompt
Grammar: Pronouns Study/review in Writing with Power: Antecedents-pages 736-741 Pronoun cases- pages 716-728 Pronoun problems- pages 729-735, 617-618
Vocabulary Be able to define these words or their antonym/synonym: Formidable Guile Ardor Mustered Scudding Sage Doting Wiliest Contending Lolling Contemptible Foreboding Commandeered Broached Revelry Prodigious
Literature Selections You are expected to know the plot/events that happened in these stories: 1. EXCERPTS from The Odyssey: Parts I, II, and III 2. Modern retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice 3. Excerpt of The Penelopiad
Literary Terms Be ready to define these terms or identify examples of these terms from the literature selections: Epic Poetry Elements Metaphor Hyperbole Simile Traits of the Epic Hero Theme Epic Simile Point of View
Short Response Question The essay is worth half of the test grade so not writing the essay will result in an automatic FAIL. Essay Prompt: What roles are played by the female characters you encountered in this unit? Describe some of these female characters, their traits, and the roles they played within the selections you read, especially considering that all of those selections had male characters as protagonists. Your essay should include at least two female characters from the selections. *Be sure to have a topic sentence, main ideas and supporting details (include evidence from the text like specific examples), and a concluding sentence. Minimum length requirement is 5 sentences.
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