Ch 17 Jeopardy
Chapter 17 - The Urinary System Gross Anatomy Nephron Anatomy Filtration Misc Urine $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND
Gross Anatomy: $100 Question The tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder is the: a. urethra b. ureter c. collecting duct d. renal vein ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $100 Answer The tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder is the: a. urethra b. ureter c. collecting duct d. renal vein BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $200 Question This structure ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $200 Answer Answer: Adrenal Gland BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $300 Question The space inside the kidney is the: a. renal hilum b. retroperitoneal space c. renal pelvis d. renal sinus ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $300 Answer The space inside the kidney is the: a. renal hilum b. retroperitoneal space c. renal pelvis d. renal sinus BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $400 Question Which of the following empties urine directly into the renal pelvis? a. ureter b. renal papilla c. major calyx d. minor calyx ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $400 Answer Which of the following empties urine directly into the renal pelvis? a. ureter b. renal papilla c. major calyx d. minor calyx BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $500 Question Which of the following vessels would be found in the renal columns? a. segmental artery b. cortical radiate artery c. interlobar artery d. arcuate artery ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Gross Anatomy: $500 Answer Which of the following vessels would be found in the renal columns? a. segmental artery b. cortical radiate artery c. interlobar artery d. arcuate artery BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $100 Question Nephrons are found mostly in the: a. renal medulla b. renal cortex c. renal capsule d. renal sinus ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $100 Answer Nephrons are found mostly in the: a. renal medulla b. renal cortex c. renal capsule d. renal sinus BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $200 Question The renal corpuscle consists of: a. renal tubules b. glomerulus c. glomerular capsule d. both b. and c. are correct ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $200 Answer The renal corpuscle consists of: a. renal tubules b. glomerulus c. glomerular capsule d. both b. and c. are correct BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $300 Question Which of the following structures is not part of the nephron? a. distal convoluted tubule b. glomerulus c. loop of Henle d. collecting duct ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $300 Answer Which of the following structures is not part of the nephron? a. distal convoluted tubule b. glomerulus c. loop of Henle d. collecting duct BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $400 Question Podocytes are part of the: a. filtration slits b. glomerular fenestrated epithelium c. glomerular capsule d. proximal convoluted tubule ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $400 Answer Podocytes are part of the: a. filtration slits b. glomerular fenestrated epithelium c. glomerular capsule d. proximal convoluted tubule BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $500 Question The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is part of the: a. juxtaglomerular apparatus b. loop of Henle c. filtration membrane d. renal tubules ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Nephron Anatomy: $500 Answer The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is part of the: a. juxtaglomerular apparatus b. loop of Henle c. filtration membrane d. renal tubules BACK TO GAME
Filtration: $100 Question Which of the following conditions would increase the glomerular filtration rate? a. an increase in colloid osmotic pressure b. an increase in glomerular hydrostatic pressure c. an increase in capsular hydrostatic pressure d. all of the above would increase GFR ANSWER BACK TO GAME
a. an increase in colloid osmotic pressure Filtration: $100 Answer Which of the following conditions would increase the glomerular filtration rate? a. an increase in colloid osmotic pressure b. an increase in glomerular hydrostatic pressure c. an increase in capsular hydrostatic pressure d. all of the above would increase GFR BACK TO GAME
Filtration: $200 Question Which of the following substances would not be found in normal filtrate? a. albumin b. glucose c. potassium d. urea ANSWER BACK TO GAME
a. albumin (large protein) b. glucose c. potassium d. urea Filtration: $200 Answer Which of the following substances would not be found in normal filtrate? a. albumin (large protein) b. glucose c. potassium d. urea BACK TO GAME
Filtration: $300 Question Which of the following would be a result of an increase in systemic blood pressure? a. afferent arterioles constrict b. efferent arterioles constrict c. afferent arterioles dilate d. GFR increases dramatically ANSWER BACK TO GAME
a. afferent arterioles constrict b. efferent arterioles constrict Filtration: $300 Answer Which of the following would be a result of an increase in systemic blood pressure? a. afferent arterioles constrict b. efferent arterioles constrict c. afferent arterioles dilate d. GFR increases dramatically BACK TO GAME
Name the two different types of nephrons: #1 #2 Answer…
#1 Cortical #2 Juxtamedullary BACK TO GAME
Filtration: $500 Question In the average adult, what is the filtration rate in a 24 hour period? a. .5 L b. 4 L c. 99 L d. 180 L ANSWER BACK TO GAME
In the average adult, what is the filtration rate in a 24 hour period? Filtration: $500 Answer In the average adult, what is the filtration rate in a 24 hour period? a. .5 L b. 4 L c. 99 L d. 180 L (good thing majority of this gets reabsorbed) BACK TO GAME
Renal Tubules: $100 Question Most of the nutrients in the filtrate are reabsorbed from the: a. proximal convoluted tubule b. distal convoluted tubule c. loop of Henle d. glomerular capsule ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Renal Tubules: $100 Answer Most of the nutrients in the filtrate are reabsorbed from the: a. proximal convoluted tubule b. distal convoluted tubule c. loop of Henle d. glomerular capsule BACK TO GAME
What test would determine if glucose is present in urine. Misc: $200 Question What test would determine if glucose is present in urine. a. Benedict’s b. Biuret’s c. Erythrocyte cell count d. Leukocyte cell count ANSWER BACK TO GAME
What test would determine if glucose is present in urine. Misc: $200 Answer What test would determine if glucose is present in urine. a. Benedict’s b. Biuret’s c. Erythrocyte cell count d. Leukocyte cell count BACK TO GAME
What test would determine if protein is present in urine. Misc: $300 Question What test would determine if protein is present in urine. a. Benedict’s b. Biuret’s c. Erythrocyte cell count d. Leukocyte cell count ANSWER BACK TO GAME
What test would determine if protein is present in urine. Misc: $300 Answer What test would determine if protein is present in urine. a. Benedict’s b. Biuret’s c. Erythrocyte cell count d. Leukocyte cell count BACK TO GAME
a. filtered and secreted b. filtered and reabsorbed c. filtered only Misc: $400 Question If your urine contains less potassium ions than your filtrate then the potassium has been: a. filtered and secreted b. filtered and reabsorbed c. filtered only d. secreted only ANSWER BACK TO GAME
a. filtered and secreted b. filtered and reabsorbed c. filtered only Misc: $400 Answer If your urine contains less potassium ions that your filtrate then the potassium has been: a. filtered and secreted b. filtered and reabsorbed c. filtered only d. secreted only BACK TO GAME
The pH level of a diabetic’s urine is typically ___________. Misc: $500 Question The pH level of a diabetic’s urine is typically ___________. a. acidic b. normal c. alkaline d. varies greatly ANSWER BACK TO GAME
The pH level of a diabetic’s urine is typically ___________. Misc: $500 Answer The pH level of a diabetic’s urine is typically ___________. a. acidic b. normal c. alkaline d. varies greatly BACK TO GAME
Urine: $100 Question Question: What is the correct pathway for urine using the following terms: renal papillae, ureter, collecting ducts, calyces, renal pelvis. ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Urine: $100 Answer The correct pathway for urine using the following terms: collecting ducts, renal papillae, calyces, renal pelvis then ureter. BACK TO GAME
b. permeable, aldosterone c. impermeable, ADH Urine: $200 Question The collecting ducts are _____ to water when the hormone _____ is present. a. permeable, ADH b. permeable, aldosterone c. impermeable, ADH d. impermeable, aldosterone ANSWER BACK TO GAME
b. permeable, aldosterone c. impermeable, ADH Urine: $200 Answer The collecting ducts are _____ to water when the hormone _____ is present. a. permeable, ADH b. permeable, aldosterone c. impermeable, ADH d. impermeable, aldosterone BACK TO GAME
Which of the following would be an abnormal pH for urine? Urine: $300 Question Which of the following would be an abnormal pH for urine? a. 5.0 b. 6.0 c. 8.0 d. 11.0 ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Which of the following would be an abnormal pH for urine? Urine: $300 Answer Which of the following would be an abnormal pH for urine? a. 5.0 b. 6.0 c. 8.0 d. 11.0 BACK TO GAME
a. proximal convoluted tubule b. glomerulus c. loop of Henle Urine: $400 Question The portion of the nephron that maintains the hypertonicity of the renal medulla is the: a. proximal convoluted tubule b. glomerulus c. loop of Henle d. distal convoluted tubule ANSWER BACK TO GAME
a. proximal convoluted tubule b. glomerulus c. loop of Henle Urine: $400 Answer The portion of the nephron that maintains the hypertonicity of the renal medulla is the: a. proximal convoluted tubule b. glomerulus c. loop of Henle d. distal convoluted tubule BACK TO GAME
Which part of our urinary system employs a countercurrent mechanism? Urine: $500 Question Which part of our urinary system employs a countercurrent mechanism? a. glomerulus b. loop of Henle c. ureter d. juxtaglomerular apparatus ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Which part of our urinary system employs a countercurrent mechanism? Urine: $500 Answer Which part of our urinary system employs a countercurrent mechanism? a. glomerulus b. loop of Henle c. ureter d. juxtaglomerular apparatus BACK TO GAME
How much do you want to wager? CATEGORY: Histology of a Nephron Proceed…
Match & name the type of cell(s) found @ each location in the nephron. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Proceed…
Proceed… Parietal Layer (Bowman’s Cap.) Podocytes (Bowman’s Capsule)) Brush Border Cells (PCT) Cuboidal Epitheliuam (DCT) Simple Squamous (D. Loop) Cuboidal, Principlal & Intercalated Cells (Collecting Tube) Proceed…
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