Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3 Section 1 Notes

An Outline of the Constitution The Constitution sets out the basic principles upon which government in the United States was built. The Constitution is organized into eight sections: the Preamble and seven articles. The original document is followed by 27 amendments. Chapter 3, Section 1

Articles of the Constitution Chapter 3, Section 1

Concept 1: Separation of Powers A way of dividing power among three branches of government in which members of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the president, and the federal courts are selected by and responsible to different constituencies.

Concept 2: Checks and Balances Each branch is subject to a number of checks by the other branches.

Concept 3: Federalism Government power is divided among a central government (national) and several regional governments (state and local). Article IV

Concept 4: Limited Government No government is all-powerful. A government may only do those things the people give it power to do. Rule of Law: Everyone must follow the laws, even leaders.

Concept 5: Popular Sovereignty popular sovereignty asserts that the people are the source of any and all government power.

Concept 6: Judicial Review judicial review consists of the power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a governmental action. Established by Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Cartoon #1 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?

Cartoon #2 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?

Cartoon #3 Which constitutional principle is represented in this cartoon? What is the message the cartoonist is trying to get across? What symbols does the cartoonist use?

Marbury v. Madison