An intervention program designed to provide: EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) An intervention program designed to provide: 30 hours of subject specific, standards-based instruction for on-track students in grades 6-8 who are at risk of not achieving grade level standards.
Students should complete interventions prior to testing EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Student Eligibility Students receiving an English or mathematics grade of D or F on the report card Students scoring at Below and Far Below on the California Standards Test (CST) in English and/or Mathematics English Learners not making adequate progress in ESL (D or F in ESL course) Students should complete interventions prior to testing
Organization of Classes EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Organization of Classes Class Composition English Language Arts Mathematics English as a Second Language (Levels1-2) Classes should be organized based on similar student needs Course Numbers: ELA English 23-25-21 ELA Math 31-01-21 ESL Intervention 1A/1B 17-02-01/17-02-02 ESL Intervention 2A/2B 17-02-03/17-02-04 Curriculum: Language Arts – Voyager Mathematics – Princeton Review ESL Curriculum: BTB ESL Intervention Class Size: 25:1 (organize at 30:1) Classes will be closed if attendance falls below 25 students.
Suggested ELP Session Dates EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Suggested ELP Session Dates FIRST SESSION SECOND October 6, 2008 thru December 12, 2008 February 9, 2009 May 8, 2009 CST May 18 – May 27, 2008
Intent to Offer Program Scheduling Can be offered Before/After school EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Intent to Offer Program Scheduling Can be offered Before/After school Local Design requires approval of local district superintendent and submission of completed Intent to Offer Intervention form. Must be received 3 weeks prior to start of session.
Budget Guidelines Fund 11247 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Budget Guidelines Fund 11247 Schools have received ELP funding for the 2008-2009 school year. The funding reflects budget cuts. Intervention classes not authorized on Saturday (unless QEIA, ELAP, TSP or appropriate local school funds are used to pay an administrator) Funding is provided based on 75% of Far Below Basic in English Language Arts Use local school funds to supplement (i.e. lower class size) Submit Intent to Offer and Budget Worksheet to Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator Note: Funding not encumbered by April may be reallocated to other schools. Note: Funding not encumbered by April may be reallocated to other schools.
Budget Worksheet is submitted along with Intent to Offer Intervention 3 weeks before the start of the session. BUDGET WORKSHEET
Parent Notification Requirements Parents must be informed EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Parent Notification Requirements Parents must be informed about the following: Available on-track intervention programs Program dates, times and locations Student’s at risk status Program attendance requirements
Teacher Selection Selection Priorities EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Teacher Selection Selection Priorities Priority 1A: Permanent and Probationary Teachers Priority 1B: Non-Permanent and Non-Probationary Teachers Priority 2: Permanent site-based Non-Classroom Teachers Priority 3: Adult School Teachers Priority 4: Substitute Teachers Priority 5: Administrators All teachers are selected in seniority order and must hold appropriate credentials
Instructional Program EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Instructional Program Professional Development Required for ELP Teachers New to Program ELA/Math – 4 hours BTB ESL – 3 ½ hours Scheduled by BTB - October 4, 2008
Teacher Compensation Teacher training – compensated at their annual rate Direct Instruction in Classes – teachers compensated at their intervention rate that includes a stipend of .09224. Additional stipend of .09224 is for: planning, monitoring of student attendance, intervention documentation/ assessment, faculty meetings and supervision The Program Code is 11247
Attendance Accounting Schools must follow: REF-4349.1, Attendance Accounting and Documentation for Hourly Extended Day Programs for Secondary Schools, dated August 4, 2008
Attendance Accounting and Documentation EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Attendance Accounting and Documentation Schools must follow attendance guidelines Attendance must be monitored and recorded Teacher completes the following: *Attendance Register *ELP – Middle School Participation Report for Parents
Enter Class Information 1 31 M 2 3 Th Month Day Day of Week W 9 13 11 Enter Class Meeting Dates and Days
Enter Class Information Time Format Decimal Format 10 minutes .17 15 minutes .25 20 minutes .33 30 minutes .50 40 minutes .66 45 minutes .75 50 minutes .83 1 hour 1.00 Enter Time Value for Each Student (example: 1.25 hrs)
Recording Attendance Enter Name and Date of Birth for each Student Enter a “ ” for each day a student is absent. Enter an “E” for the student’s first day of attendance.
At the end of the session, record Total Hours Attended for each student here. Middle Schools – No Grade
G Sign and Date all pages Number all pages See Attachment B
Attendance Accounting and Documentation EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Attendance Accounting and Documentation Coordinator must complete the following: Prior to Start of Program - Complete top portion of the Attendance Register and create intervention data base Norm Day Report - After the 6th hour of classes, complete and e-mail Secondary Classification Report to Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator or
Intervention Attendance Register Teacher Attendance Roster EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Intervention Attendance Register
Enter Class Information Fill in: School Name and School Location Code Fill in: Teacher’s Name Program Name Subject* Subject Level * Complete a separate register for each teacher File in: Program Start and End Dates Class Meeting Days Class Meeting Times
DATA BASE becomes STATISTICAL REPORT EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Attendance Accounting and Documentation Create an Intervention Data Base: Use Program ID98 Select “Local Use Field” Flag Students Select Designated Fields Copy Data File to EXCEL file Add Columns to EXCEL file DATA BASE becomes STATISTICAL REPORT or
(AKA Statistical Report) Complete the Data Base (AKA Statistical Report) Hi gh Schoo l On y E. Start Date F. End Date G. Subject - “E” for English, “M” for math, or “ESL” H. Subject Level I. Teacher Name for each student (this will help you sort your students by classes.) A. School of regular attendance B. School of intervention C. Parent Notification Response form: Enter “Y” if Yes; “N” if No; Leave blank if no written response was received. D. Program – enter name of program student participated in: ELP, ELAP, TSP, LD (local design)
Classification Report Level Intervention Program Subject Curriculum Level Classification Report
Attendance Accounting and Documentation EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Attendance Accounting and Documentation Coordinator completes the following at end of program: Record Student intervention information in SIS ID17 Complete Standards-Based Promotion Log Copy Statistical Report onto CD or Floppy Disc and mail to Local District Intervention Coordinator within 5 days of the end of the session. Wonder MS OR or
Standards-Based Promotion Log EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) RED FOLDER Complete section for intervention Standards-Based Promotion Log
Transfer Subject and Curriculum Level from Attendance Register to Electronic Statistical VE - Voyager E VF - Voyager F VG-Voyager G PG -Prin Review G PH -Prin Review H PI -Prin Review I CE- Compass English CM –Compass Math 1A - ESL 1A 1B - ESL 1B 2A - ESL 2A 2B - ESL 2B Attendance Register M = Mathematics E = English Lang. Arts ESL = Eng as Second Language Electronic Statistical Report
Transfer Students Attendance from Register to Electronic Statistical Total Hours Transfer to Total Hours on Electronic Statistical column Attendance Register Electronic Statistical Report
Copy Statistical Report onto CD or Floppy Disc and mail to Local District Intervention Coordinator within 5 days of the end of the session. Wonder MS Wonder MS OR