Tonya Chandler 3rd November 14-18 Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3.3 Coding: Technology CIP Goals Writing Standards C1 communicate, C2 Collaborate, C3 Critical Thinking C4 Create Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 1 independently Review and discuss as a class by sharing corrections C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 2 with your table partner.C1, C3 Review as a class by sharing corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 3 with your table partner. C1, C3 Review as a class and share corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 4 individually. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit student writing samples. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Bellringer L3.2 a-f L3.2f, RF3.3 Spelling Skill: prefixes Skill: prefixes Use keyboards to pretend to type out the first ten ( or all 20 if time allows) spelling words. Say the word, say the letters, touch the letter C1,C2 Skill: Prefixes Spelling Practice Assessment Analyze missed patterns and share with students in preparation for Friday. Skill: Prefixes Spelling word search to be completed with small group partners during rotation. Students must find and circle all letters that make the word. C1, C2 Spelling Assessment Prefixes -un -re -mis -dis Review how adding a prefix to a word changes the meaning of the word. Look at each spelling word to identify the prefix and what it means. Allow students to complete with a partner and share. C1, C2 Skill: main and helping verbs Wrap the verb song two times to review linking and helping verbs. Model locating the helping and main verb in 5 model sentences. Guide students in sorting verbs into main or helping categories. C1, C2 Skill: main and helping verbs Work with a partner to go on a verb hunt. Give partners a passage to find each verb. After completing the search, share answers and identify the verb as action, linking, main, or helping C1, C2 Skill: main and helping verbs Flash verbs on the Smartboard. Have students hold up a card for action, linking, or main and helping to informally assess C1, C2 Reading Assessment Skill: Using vivid verbs in your writing Model writing more exciting sentences by adding vivid verbs in your writing. Show students 5 to 10 pictures to write a vivid verb sentence to describe the picture. Smartboard C1, C2, C3, C4 Grammar L3.4a, L3.5 Skill: Plot Review plot with a graphic organizer. Add a description of what has happened in the story to this point at the beginning on the graphic. Read orally from Thanksgiving on Thursday and have students keep jot notes to add to our plot graphic organizer during reading. C1, C2, C3 Skill: Character Discuss with students how a character’s thoughts and actions help us to understand their feelings and character traits. Model for students the difference between a feeling and a character trait. Have students complete a quick sort. Students highlight text that provide us with character information. Chart on a graphic organizer. C1,C2, C3Pu Reading RL3.1,3.8 Reading Assessment Skill: Develop well constructed paragraphs Brainstorm 3 things you are most thankful for. Answer what it is? Why are you thankful? What it means to you? In each paragraph C3, C4 Skill: Story Elements Review story elements Chunk chapters 1 and 2 of Thanksgiving on Thursday Complete a graphic organizer as we read. Discuss how the characters and the setting help drive the story. C1, C2,C3, C4 Skill: Critical Thinking Teach decoding by chunking a list of multi-syllabic words from the text. Complete a close reading of “The First Thanksgiving” Stop along the way to think critically about what the author is communicating. C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal Small Groups RL3.1,3.2,3.3, 3.7, 3.9 Skill: Critical Thinking Teach decoding by chunking a list of multi-syllabic words from the text. Complete a close reading of “The Mayflower” Stop along the way to think critically about what the author is communicating. C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal Skill: Critical Thinking Teach decoding by chunking a list of multi-syllabic words from the text. Complete a close reading of “The Mayflower” Stop along the way to think critically about what the author is communicating. C1,C2,C3 CIP Goal Skill: Critical Thinking Teach decoding by chunking a list of multi-syllabic words from the text. Complete a close reading of “The First Thanksgiving” Stop along the way to think critically about what the author is communicating. C1,C2, C3 CIP Goal Skill: Review Pull students in small groups to review standards that have not been mastered during the week. C1, C2, C3 CIP Goal
RtI Daily Spelling Words feast gather scramble slanted toil crisp Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Focus: Phonics- review covered patterns with flash cards Fluency- repeated readings with fluency passage Assess fluency with timed read RtI Vocabulary: feast gather scramble slanted toil crisp settle Vocabulary: Cursive handwriting Write short words connecting lowercase letters Master Teacher: Teaching engaging differentiated lessons Daily Stations Spelling Words Computer Lexia unhappy recall disappear unload mistake misspell dislike replace mislead disagree rewrite unroll unknown dishonest react unfortunate discourage uncomfortable recycle mispronounce Reading Students read silently Teacher Close Reading Passages Seatwork Independent or partner practice Close Reading Passages : The Mayflower, The First Thanksgiving Read aloud: Thanksgiving on Thursday