Congregational Vitality Survey St Luke’s Lutheran Church Mt. Ulla
Agenda Overview of a survey Predictions Your congregation’s results Discussion Next steps
What is Vitality? How can you tell if a congregation is vital? What do we mean by vital?
What God calls us to… Great Commandment: The first commandment is to love God with all our heart (Matt. 22:37) The second commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:39). Great Commission Jesus said, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them... and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you (Matt. 28:19).
What God calls us to… Great Commandment: Connect with God Connect with Each Other Great Commission Connect with the world Are congregations doing these things well vital?
Your congregation’s report Taken May/June 2016 Number who took survey: 30 13% of those surveyed identified as under age 55 66% of those surveyed were female 1 visitor completed the survey
Connecting with God God Scale Score 4.2
Connecting with God
Connecting with God
Connecting with God
Connecting with Each Other
Connecting with Each Other
Connecting with Each Other
Connecting with the World
Connecting with the World
Connecting with the World
Overall Vitality
Vitality and Sustainability
Vitality and Sustainability
Leadership Style
Composite Score
General Observations What surprised you? Where did your congregation shine? Where do you still need some work? What do you think should be done with this information?
Next Steps What will you take away from this? How will your congregation use this information?