The NC Nutrient Criteria Development Plan EMC-Water Quality Committee January 7, 2015
Agenda Background Summary of events during 2014 Update on advisory committees Next Steps
Background - The North Carolina Nutrient Criteria Development Plan Current plan agreed upon in June 2014. The NCDP outlines tasks through 2025. Ongoing, collaborative process.
What happened in 2014? Updated EPA on High Rock Lake APNEP – Contaminants workgroup formed and met twice DWR staff attended EPA Region-4 nutrient workshop Solicited nominations for Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) Through stakeholder suggestions, a Criteria Implementation Committee (CIC) will be established.
Web Access:
Scientific Advisory Council Examines science between nutrients and ecosystem response Solicited nominations in November 2014 Names provided to DWR Director for SAC selection.
Criteria Implementation Committee Examines implementation details and fiscal implications Solicitation process begins after SAC is established. Will consider those nominated for the SAC.
Nutrient Advisory Committees Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) Criteria Implementation Committee (CIC) Albemarle Contaminants Workgroup Advances portions of the NCDP in support of APNEPs Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Nutrient Scientific Advisory Board (NSAB) Established by SL 2009-216 Existing development implementation (Jordan Lake)
What’s Next? High Rock Lake (full EMC update on Jan. 8) Finalize nutrient response model and report Stakeholder process for Nutrient Management Strategy is scheduled to begin next year. Central Portion of the Cape Fear Developing recommendations for nutrient response and watershed modeling. Present findings to SAC Albemarle Sound Quarterly meetings of contaminants workgroup
Questions Steve Kroeger – 919.743.8409 Carrie Ruhlman – 919-743-8411