6th Grade Social Studies Unit 2 Review
Where were the colonies? Why Colonize? Where were the colonies? Causes of WWI Causes of WWI During and after WWI 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
What does imperialism mean? Why Colonize? Prompt 100 Points What does imperialism mean?
Why Colonize? Response 100 Points a stronger nation controlling a weaker nation
Why Colonize? Prompt 200 Points A country using another country for their natural resources is called:
Why Colonize? Response 200 Points imperialism
Why Colonize? Prompt 300 Points What is the name of the 300-year period when explorers in newly invented sailing ships set out from Europe to find new trade routes to Asia?
Why Colonize? Response 300 Points Age of Exploration
Why Colonize? Prompt 400 Points Which Portuguese prince started a school where people could learn how to sail and navigate?
Why Colonize? Response 400 Points Prince Henry of Portugal
Why Colonize? Prompt 500 Points What were the three reasons Europe explored and colonized the world(the 3 G’s)?
Why Colonize? Response 500 Points God, glory, and gold
Where were the colonies? Prompt 100 Points Which European country had the most colonies in other parts of the world?
Where were the colonies? Response 100 Points United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Where were the colonies? Prompt 200 Points Portuguese explorers claimed land on which continent?
Where were the colonies? Response 200 Points Africa
Where were the colonies? Prompt 300 Points True/false? England, Portugal, Spain, and France all had colonies on the continent of Africa.
Where were the colonies? Response 300 Points True
Where were the colonies? Prompt 400 Points England, Portugal, Spain, and France all had colonies in the Americas.
Where were the colonies? Response 400 Points True
Where were the colonies? Prompt 500 Points In the 1700’s, the United Kingdom sent convicts to set up a colony in which continent?
Where were the colonies? Response 500 Points Australia
A focus on developing a strong military is called: Causes of WWI Prompt 100 Points A focus on developing a strong military is called:
Causes of WWI Response 100 Points Militarism
Causes of WWI Prompt 200 Points Give an example of militarism.
Causes of WWI Response 200 Points A lot of people joining the military, producing a lot of guns and ammunition, building up the country’s military forces.
Causes of WWI Prompt 300 Points An agreement between nations to unite for a common cause is called an…
Causes of WWI Response 300 Points alliance
Causes of WWI Prompt 400 Points What is an example of an alliance?
Causes of WWI Response 400 Points One country signing a treaty with another country.
Causes of WWI Prompt 500 Points Having strong pride in one’s nation or ethnic group is called…
Causes of WWI Response 500 Points nationalism
Causes of WWI Prompt 100 Points True/False: Nationalism was a cause of WWI because the people of the European nations had a deep love for their country and were willing to fight for it.
Causes of WWI Response 100 Points True
Causes of WWI Prompt 200 Points In the acronym MAIN, M stands for
Causes of WWI Response 200 Points militarism
Causes of WWI Prompt 300 Points In the acronym MAIN, the A stands for
Causes of WWI Response 300 Points alliance
Causes of WWI Prompt 400 Points In the acronym MAIN, the I stands for
Causes of WWI Response 400 Points imperialism
Causes of WWI Prompt 500 Points In the acronym MAIN, the N stands for
Causes of WWI Response 500 Points nationalism
Why did the Russian serfs kill Nicholas II and his family? During and After WWI Prompt 100 Points Why did the Russian serfs kill Nicholas II and his family?
During and After WWI Response 100 Points The serfs were starving. Many Russians were dying in World War I. Nicholas II did nothing.
During and After WWI Prompt 200 Points The Treaty of Versailles punished which country severely, blaming them for WWI?
During and After WWI Response 200 Points Germany.
During and After WWI Prompt 300 Points What was the name of the political party led by Adolf Hitler?
During and After WWI Response 300 Points Nazi.
During and After WWI Prompt 400 Points How did the Treaty of Versailles help cause World War II?
During and After WWI Response 400 Points Because of the severe penalties placed on Germany: loss of land, paying money to the Allies, reducing their military and accepting responsibility for causing the war.
During and After WWI Prompt 500 points After WWI, the world suffered economically because of what?
During and After WWI Response 500 Points A worldwide depression.
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