The War Continues Further 1863 The War Continues Further
Emancipation Official Emancipation Proclamation official January 1, 1863 Quasi-freedom
Chancellorsville Lee defeats Hooker Virginia “Stonewall” Jackson killed Hooker dejected
Jackson Dies 5/10/1863 “Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade under the trees”
Gettysburg Meade replaces Hooker 5th man to command army that year
Gettysburg 2 July 1-3, 1863 Pennsylvania Cemetery and Seminary Ridges
Gettysburg 3 Little Round Top High Water Mark Pickett’s Charge
Vicksburg July 4, 1863 Mississippi Seized by Grant Control Mississippi River
Fort Wagner 54th New York Negro Troops Movie Glory Robert G. Shaw commander
Chickamauga Braxton Bragg wins for South Rosecrans trapped in Chattanooga
Gettysburg Address November 19, 1863 2 minutes in length Dedicated cemetery
Chattanooga Break Rebel siege at Chattanooga “Chickamauga!” “My God! Come and see them Run!”
Fun Facts Harriet Beecher Stowe was recognized when the Emancipation was official Joshua Chamberlain commanded his brother Thomas in Gettysburg
Fun Facts 2 Matthew Broderick plays Robert G. Shaw in the movie “Glory” Chickamauga is in Georgia Chattanooga is in Tennessee Neighbors they are