What the fossil record shows Ancient Animals: What the fossil record shows
Fossils: A review What is a fossil? Fossils are remains, impression, or trace of an ancient organism that under the right set of circumstances has been preserved in rock.
Fossils: A review What is a fossil? Fossils are remains, impression, or trace of an ancient organism that under the right set of circumstances has been preserved in rock. What information can a fossil give us? Fossils can give us information about the anatomy of an ancient organism, in what geologic time it live, what it ate, how it lived and what other organism may have lived with it.
Fossils: A review What is a fossil? Fossils are remains, impression, or trace of an ancient organism that under the right set of circumstances has been preserved in rock. What information can a fossil give us? Fossils can give us information about the anatomy of an ancient organism, in what geologic time it live, what it ate, how it lived and what other organism may have lived with it. Is the fossil record complete? NO, because only organisms that die under specific circumstances get fossilized and all fossils have not been found.
Pakicetus 55 million years ago
Pakicetus Describe this specimen. 55 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food?
Pakicetus Describe this specimen. 55 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food? What modern day animal do you think it is related to? What anatomical features support your hypotheses?
Ambulocetus 50 million years ago
Ambulocetus Describe this specimen. 50 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food?
Ambulocetus Describe this specimen. 50 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food? What modern day animal do you think it is related to? What anatomical features support your hypotheses?
Rhodocetus 40 million years ago
Rhodocetus Describe this specimen. 40 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food?
Rhodocetus Describe this specimen. 40 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food? What modern day animal do you think it is related to? What anatomical features support your hypotheses?
Basilosaurus 36 million years ago
Basilosaurus Describe this specimen. 36 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food?
Basilosaurus Describe this specimen. 36 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food? What modern day animal do you think it is related to? What anatomical features support your hypotheses?
Basilosaurus Describe this specimen. 36 million years ago Describe this specimen. Is this a terrestrial or marine animal? What do you think it eats? How do you think it finds its food? What modern day animal do you think it is related to? What anatomical features support your hypotheses?
Mysticeti Modern day
Evolution: The Whale
Evolution: The Whale How do we know that all of this ancient animals are whales?
A Whale of a tale!! Pakicetus Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Basilosaurus Mesonychid
A Whale of a tale!! Pakicetus Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Basilosaurus Mesonychid
A Whale of a tale!! Pakicetus Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Basilosaurus Mesonychid
A Whale of a tale!! Pakicetus Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Basilosaurus Mesonychid