Welcome to Miss Brennan’s 5th grade Room 208 Please have a seat at your child’s desk Read your child’s note and write back with some words of encouragement for the year ahead
Agenda About Me/ About Our Class Check-out Website Behavior Expectations Parents as Partners Overview of 5th Grade Curriculum Questions
Our Class/Community Keys to Success Promote kindness Motivate and encourage their peers Think deeply about themselves and their learning Set goals and think about their future Reflect on their character, actions, and behavior Show Grit!
Behavior in Room 208 Dub Chart/Mystery Prize to reinforce positive behavior Goal for students after making a poor choice Take responsibility Change behavior Parent/Teacher communication
Parents as Partners Helping with Homework Check that assignments are completed. You know the level of involvement that your child needs. Encourage the use of our website, or other helpful sites to promote self-directed learning Communicate concerns with me, and encourage self-advocacy in your child. *Seesaw
Special Events and Information Peace Valley Ecology Trip (October) Moland House (Winter) Reading Olympics - held in March/April Historical Philadelphia (May/June)
Math Overview Site Everyday Math/Math In Focus Skills marked: beginning, developing, secure. 2 books you will get to know Study Links Math Journal Each unit: Unit Test on concepts (always announced)
Reading Reading HW: 20 minutes daily. Record page numbers only. (Status of the Class) Lead 21 Program Flexible Groupings Use of authentic literature: literature circles, book club, etc. Sustained reading daily in school and at home (DEAR time) Book Challenge
Writing Writing pieces personal narrative, personal informative, opinion, poetry, and research Spelling list weekly. Program is linked to our Reading lessons. Grammar practice each week Tests on Friday’s.
Science Three different units Weather Nature’s Recyclers Energy Will work alongside Mrs. Duffy’s class
Social Studies Four major units of study Geography/Native Americans Explorers Colonial America and the Revolution Birth of the United States Will work alongside Mrs. Duffy’s class
Science Fun Day Friday, May 10, 2019 Science experiments are completely run by the parents An exciting day-long event for all the students that wouldn’t happen without all of our parent volunteers Our SFD Assembly – The Franklin Institute Traveling Science Show: Life in Space Thank you to Home & School! Interested in volunteering? Be on the look out for more information coming to your inbox in January!
Before you leave… Letter to your child- Give them some words of encouragement that they can refer if they are having a tough day Blank card leave a note for me, if you would like