Les pages cinquante-six à soixante-cinq Leçon 4 Les pages cinquante-six à soixante-cinq Fun French Language Club
Quelle heure est-il? Pronounce: [kail ur ay teel] What time is it? NOTES Quelle heure est-il? Pronounce: [kail ur ay teel] What time is it? Answer with: Il est… heure(s). It is … o’clock. Fun French Language Club
Fun French Language Club NOTES Quelle heure est-il? Il est 2 heures. Il est 3 heures. Il est 4 heures. Il est 8 heures. Il est 9 heures. Il est 10 heures. Il est 11 heures. Il est midi/minuit. It’s 2 o’clock. It’s 3 o’clock. It’s 4 o’clock. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s 9 o’clock. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s 11 o’clock. It’s noon/midnight. Fun French Language Club
To add minutes: Simply say the minutes! Quatre heures douze = 4h12 NOTES To add minutes: Simply say the minutes! Quatre heures douze = 4h12 The French use h instead of : 4 h 12 = 4:12
To distinguish between A.M. and P.M. NOTES To distinguish between A.M. and P.M. Du matin = in the morning [doo mah tahh] De l’après-midi= in the afternoon [duh lah pray mih dee] Du soir = in the evening [doo swahr]
NOTES Et quart [ay car] Remember – 15 minutes is a quarter (or ¼) of an hour. 2:15, in French, is deux heures et quart
Et demie [ay dehmee] NOTES This is the half hour (remember demie mean half in French) So 2:30 is “deux heures et demie”
Moins le quart [mwah luh car] NOTES Moins le quart [mwah luh car] This is like saying “15 minutes ‘til the hour” Use the NEXT hour then “moins le quart” so 2:45 becomes trois heures moins le quart
Pour communiquer How to ask at what time something is scheduled: NOTES Pour communiquer How to ask at what time something is scheduled: À quelle heure est …? [ah kell err ay …] At what time is …? —À quelle heure est le concert? At what time is the concert?
Pour communiquer To Answer when something is: NOTES Pour communiquer To Answer when something is: —Le concert est à huit heures. The concert is at eight. [luh konsair ay ah ooweat err] À = at (make sure you have the accent)
Pour communiquer To say you have a date or an appointment: NOTES Pour communiquer To say you have a date or an appointment: J’ai un rendez-vous à [zjay un rond-day voo ah…] I have a meeting/date at…
Other words/phrases to know: NOTES Other words/phrases to know: Avec [ah veck] = with À bientôt [ah bee yah toe] = see you soon Ça va [sah vah] = that’s okay (remember, this means other things as well…) Nous avons le temps [new zavoh luh tohm] = we have time
French does not capitalize days,months, or holidays! notes Les Jours de la Semaine The Days of the week lundi [luhn dee] Monday mardi [mar dee] Tuesday mercredi [mare cruh dee] Wednesday jeudi [ju dee] Thursday vendredi [voh dreh dee] Friday samedi [ som dee] Saturday dimanche [dee manshe] Sunday French does not capitalize days,months, or holidays!
to talk about general days notes to talk about general days Aujourd’hui [oh zjoor dwee] Today hier [yahr] yesterday demain [duh mah] (nasal) tomorrow
to talk about days of the week notes to talk about days of the week Quel jour est-ce? [kell zjoor ess] What day is it? C’est… EX: C’est mardi It is … It is Tuesday À + day name = See you (day) Example: À jeudi = see you Thrusday
Les mois [lay mwah] the months They go in the same order as our months. They are not capitalized (except at the beginning of a sentence). notes août septembre octobre novembre décembre janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet
to talk about the date: Quelle est la date? [kell ay lah daht] notes to talk about the date: Quelle est la date? [kell ay lah daht] What is the date? C’est… EX: C’est le 12 novembre. It is … It is November 12th. TO SAY THE FIRST OF A MONTH: le premier C’est le premier juin. It is the first of June.
La date: remember the DAY goes first!!! notes La date: remember the DAY goes first!!! We say February 14th, 2012. French speakers say: Le 14 février 2012. Or 14/2/2012 Day/ Month/ Year We say October 31st, 2011. French speakers say: Le 31 octobre 2011. Or 31/10/2011
C’est quand, ton anniversaire? <say kah, tah ann ee ver sair> notes Mon anniversaire est le (insert date)!
Les saisons [lay say soh] NOTES Les saisons [lay say soh]
L'hiver [lee vair] Winter (think of Shiver) NOTES [lee vair] Winter (think of Shiver) To say “in winter” → en hiver
Le printemps [luh prah tohm] (nasal) Spring Think of floral “PRINTS” NOTES Le printemps [luh prah tohm] (nasal) Spring Think of floral “PRINTS” To say “in Spring” → au printemps
L'été [lay tay] Summer Think of iced tea (le thé) NOTES [lay tay] Summer Think of iced tea (le thé) To say “in Summer” → en été
Looks similar in English To say “in Autumn” → en automne NOTES L'automne [low tum] Autumn (or Fall) Looks similar in English To say “in Autumn” → en automne
Some other words to know: NOTES Regarde [ray gard] Look! Le pique-nique [peek neek] picnic Écoute [eh koot] Listen Ça n’a pas d’importance It doesn’t matter. [sah nah pah dam poor tahns] Pour quoi? [poor kwah] Why? Parce que [pars kuh] because
To talk about the weather: NOTES To talk about the weather: Quel temps fait-il? [kell tohm fet-eel] How’s the weather? ** be careful do not confuse temps with TIME
Le temps: (the weather) NOTES Le temps: (the weather) Il fait beau. [eel fay bow] The weather is beautiful. Il fait bon. [eel fay boh] The weather is nice. Il fait chaud. [eel fay show] The weather is hot.
Le temps: (the weather) NOTES Le temps: (the weather) Il fait froid. [eel fay fwah] NOT FREUD. The weather is cold. Il fait frais. [eel fay fray] The weather is cool/breezy. Il fait mauvais. [eel fay moe vay] The weather is nasty/yucky.
Le temps: (the weather) NOTES Le temps: (the weather) Il pleut. [eel pluh] It is raining. Il neige. [eel nehzj] It is snowing. NOTE: There is not “fait” on these two. As a general rule, if there is precipitation, you will not use “fait”.