Electronegativity Difference Illustrating Ionic and Covalent Bonds Ionic vs. Covalent Pre-lab
Objectives Today I will be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of 15 polyatomic ions on a quiz Determine if a compound is nonpolar covalent, polar covalent or ionic based off of the electronegativity difference between bonds. Illustrate the transfer and sharing of electrons in ionic and covalent bonds by using lewis structures Design a data table for the ionic vs. covalent compounds lab. . Informal assessment – monitoring student interactions as they complete the practice problems and the pre-lab Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exit ticket and practice problems Common Core Connection Reason abstractly and quantitatively Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Warm-Up – Part 1 Take one of all of the worksheets up front and staple them together!
Warm – Up – Part 2 Take everything off of your desk except for a writing utensil for your polyatomic ions quiz!
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm-Up Elaborate: Electronegativity Difference Practice Explain: Lewis Structures/Practice Elaborate: Illustrating Ionic and Covalent Bond Practice Explain/Eplore: Ionic vs. Covalent Pre-Lab Exit Ticket
Objectives Today I will be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of 15 polyatomic ions on a quiz Determine if a compound is nonpolar covalent, polar covalent or ionic based off of the electronegativity difference between bonds. Illustrate the transfer and sharing of electrons in ionic and covalent bonds by using lewis structures Design a data table for the ionic vs. covalent compounds lab.
Homework Complete Pre-Lab Wear Closed Toe Shoes Tomorrow! STEM Fair Abstract Due December 12
Agenda Warm-Up Electronegativity Difference Practice Lewis Structure Practice Illustrating Ionic and Covalent Bond Practice Ionic vs. Covalent Pre-Lab Exit Ticket
Electronegativity Difference Practice Copy the following chart onto a sheet of paper and solve the problems using the electronegativity chart
Electronegativity Differences Type of Bond H – O C – H K – F N – H Na – F O – Cl Li – Cl Ge – C Mg – O Problems taken from 7-2 review and reinforcement and Chemical Bonding Worksheet Give students the chemical bonding worksheet for electronegativity values
Diagram that shows the location of the valence electrons of an atom Lewis Structure Diagram that shows the location of the valence electrons of an atom
Examples Na Be Ga Si N O F Xe
Illustrating Ionic and Covalent Bonds Listen to Ms. Ose’s example and then complete the practice at your desk. Select responses will be reviewed
Ionic vs. Covalent Compounds Pre-Lab Complete the summary section of the lab and design the data table for the lab.
Exit Ticket Explain how you will differentiate between ionic and covalent compounds in lab tomorrow.