HSE Investigation template and guidance Non Accidental Death (NAD)


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Presentation transcript:

HSE Investigation template and guidance Non Accidental Death (NAD) HSE Incident Investigation guidance notes HSE Investigation template and guidance Non Accidental Death (NAD) First 4 slides are for guidance only and should be removed but used as reference, prior to draft 1 being submitted Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

HSE Incident Investigation guidance notes Process flow for investigations Notification Kick off Investigation Reporting draft MSE3 IRC Quality sign off IRC/MDIRC Minutes PIM action close out Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

HSE Incident Investigation guidance notes Info to be established during Kick Off meeting Remember guidance notes on bottom of slides Incident Investigation Terms of Reference (ToR) Investigation protocols - Documents to be used to investigation PR 1418 Incident Owner - Name and reference indicator PIM No - XXXXXX Investigation Team Leader - Names, reference indicators, role in investigation Special terms - Special conditions/requirements of the investigation (e.g. joint PDO/contractor) Subject Matter Experts – as required to be discussed during Kick Off meeting Investigation deliverable - The team is responsible for investigating the incident and completing the following: Investigation report , MD/IRC presentation, and learning pack. Previous NAD - Previous incident, similar incident, including PIM No from company Immediate Cause – Bring to kick off meeting for agreement Critical Factors – 1. 2. Investigation Team Members- Names, reference indicators, role in investigation Investigation Team lead Name Reference Ind, Role, attend the scene (yes / no), HII (ICAM) trained (yes / no) Name Reference Ind, Role, attend the scene (yes / no), HII (ICAM) trained (yes / no) If not HII (ICAM) trained the contractor is to provide Incident investigator, level of competency assurance from senior management. NAD investigations should always include a medical professional. Evidence repository must be provided electronically on data stick prior to MSE3 IRC Note be aware that consequence management defaults may be applied where a non comprehensive investigation report is submitted for IRC, this may also be applied if there is not at least 1 member of the team who is up to date with PDO training course HSE Incident Investigation (HII) as a part of the investigation team. Team Meetings: The investigation team will regularly convene as directed by the investigation team leader and will depend on progress made in the investigation. Deliverables/deadlines Date of issuing initial notification of the incident with learning's First Alert to MSE 3 Date draft investigation report, slide pack ready for initial IRC with MSE 3 . Corrections/updates to be made. Date of first Tripod Tree........... Date of directorate IRC panel......... Corrections/updates to be made. Date of MDIRC will be held.......... The Investigation Team Leader will provide regular updates to the Incident Owner for the duration of the investigation. Any significant critical learning's shall made known to the Incident Owner and passed to MSE 3 for wider communication as soon as possible and shall not wait for the final report to be published Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

HSE Incident Investigation guidance notes Timetable to be communicated during kick off meeting Incident classification, Critical factors, SME requirements, Timelines for reports Rolling Days Action / Task 0 Notification received from MCOH 0-1 Initial Notification 1 Kickoff meeting 10* 1st Draft of report to MSE 3 representative  Review 1st draft return consolidated feedback   2nd Draft of report to MSE 3 representative  Review of 2nd draft return consolidated feedback 21 Final revision for MSE IRC 23* MSE3 IRC   Final report   QA / QC letter 30* Director IRC 42 MDIRC * Escalation process milestones for not keeping to the timeline: +3 days over due reminder 1 to Investigation Team Leader, HSE Team Leader and MSE 3 +5 days over due reminder 2 to Investigation team lead, HSE Team leader, MSE 3, MSEM and Director Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Non Accidental Death Name of Company Date of Incident

Name of Company and incident date Incident details PDO directorate/dept : (e.g. OSD /OSO/OSO4) Contractor name/number : (subcontractor-contractor-PDO)/CXXXXXX Incident owner : Name / Ref Ind of the Director PIM ID : Number assigned in PIM Location : Area / unit - (road/yard/station/rig/hoist/plant etc) Incident date & time : (d/m/yr) / (24 hour clock) – advise if estimated Incident type : Non Accidental Death (NAD) Actual severity rating : 4P (as all NAD’s are already established) Immediate cause of Death : Short description of what caused the death Previous NAD : Include PIM number, short description of last (LTI/ NAD) of the contractor, this applicable to all contracts with PDO Key Mgmt Failure : Key Management system failure from conclusion slide including ICAM number No variation to the slide is allowed Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Key Information about the deceased Name of deceased DOB and age Nationality Marital status and number of children. Including their age and sex Duration of service with the company: Job title Work schedule and date of last leave & leave cycle (Days off) HSE trainings and site induction Number of children must include their ages and what sex they are Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Summary Description of the incident: On ------------- This should be free text writing and include the relevant facts explaining what happened to all the relevant parties in a short sharp factual paragraph that describes the incident. The description should be in sufficient detail to allow a person who does not know anything about the incident to imagine it. It should only be about what happened and not why it happened. Include a short comment on emergency response. Do not include investigation findings here, simply describe the incident as the investigation has shown it happened. Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Details of the Medical Emergency Response (MER) : Medical Emergency Response (MER) Yes/No Time to arrival Comments Was 5555 called? Was co-workers/bystanders involved initially? Was First Aider(s) involved initially? Was the Medic/nurse involved in MER? Was a doctor involved in MER? Was AED used and if so how long it took to start What was duration of resuscitation? (usually 30 min. minimum) Was the deceased medevac (details)? Other important comment(s) Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Past Medical history: Yes/No Details Major surgery Chronic Medical condition(s) such as Diabetes, high BP, Cholesterol, others Allergies Any Regular medications Did the deceased attended the clinic or had any complaints within 2 weeks of his death during this work period? Medical examination: Yes/No Date done At PDO approved clinic Outcome -Fit /unfit/comments Was Pre-employment examination done? Was fitness to work examination done? Fit or unfit? Was periodic medical examination done? Was Framingham cardiac risk done? ……..% Framingham score Was Cardiac stress test (TME) done? Pre-existing Medical problems and Medications. NOTE* Include any personal medical treatment arrangements done by individuals if known and applicable Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Life style and social characteristics Yes/No Comments (E.g. quantity) Was the deceased an active person leading a healthy lifestyle? Was the deceased known to practice good dietary habits? Was the deceased known to do regular exercise activities? Was the deceased known to be a smoker /consume alcohol? Was the deceased known to have drug misuse or drug issues? Was the deceased notably obese? Weight ….………kg. BMI ……………. Was the deceased a quite/loner type of personality? Was the deceased a friendly and always tend to mingle with other people? Was the deceased noted to have changed of behaviour in the past 1 or 2 months before his death?. Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Work Environment: Yes/No Comments Any known work environmental factors which could have contributed to the death? Any known chemical exposure from working environment? Any known biological exposure from working environment? Any unusual work related stress/fatigue? Any other adverse work issue(s) worth noting. Accommodation: Yes/No Comments Was he staying alone or with roommate/s? Was ventilation / air conditioning adequate? Room lighting adequate? Water and sanitation adequate? Was food provision adequate? When clearing the deceased room, was any medicines or non-prescription drugs found? Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Contractual Health Management (Find out about the health management in contracts within the direct working environment of the deceased) Yes/No Comments / Gaps Are all health risk assessments (HRA) carried out and completed? Are all work hazards exposure are being monitored and managed? Are health support and controls provided? (In compliance with SP-1230, 1232) E.g. Pre- employment, fitness to work, regular check up and general medical care and follow up. Are regular health awareness and education provided to all employees? Is MER plan available and regular drills conducted? Include dates and content of drills Are health activities included into the annual HSE plans and are they monitored by both contractors and PDO CH’s? Does your accommodation / camp comply with SP-1243? Ensure evidence of health risk assessments specific to deceased role is provided Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Conclusions: Immediate Cause of Death Underlying Causes of Death Management system failure: MSF Ref No # ICAM Mgt System Failure Description Justification for Management System Failure cited Ensure you use ICAM when inputting Management System Failures Immediate Cause of Death: As per Doctors reports Underlying causes: Consider ICAM to assist in identifying potential underlying causes other than health Management system failures: Always consider multiple options here. DO NOT just put a MSF without adequate justification

Name of Company and incident date Key investigation findings: (List all the important findings) 1 2 3 4

Name of Company and incident date Immediate actions taken if any: No. Actions Date of action Status 1 2 3 Immediate actions taken include all those reported to have been taken and completed within one week of the incident in a table. Report the five most important immediate actions to prevent a reoccurrence in the future. These may be tracked for completion by the MSE team and reported to MDIRC. *Immediate actions must be completed within 7 days of the incident Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Recommendations(Actions) Remedial Action / Recommendations: No. Recommendations(Actions) Target Date Action Party (Contractor) PIM Action Party (PDO) PIM action No. Status Open/ Closed Post action verifier for PIM 1 2 3 Report the most important remedial actions to prevent a reoccurrence in the future first, these may be tracked for completion by the MSE team and reported to MDIRC. You must provide a PIM action number as evidence that all actions have been uploaded into PIM Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

PDO Second Alert Photo explaining what was done wrong Date: Incident title: NAD What happened? Short description of what happened Your learning from this incident.. (This must solely relate to the people at risk of harm or people at risk of causing the harm) Learning points for them from the investigation Photo explaining what was done wrong Photo explaining how it should be done right No names or detail of company to link this to any recent specific incident Strap line – should be the key (keep short and memorable )

Name of Company and incident date Management self audit - CHECK List to confirm Yes/No 1 Do you report and investigate all occupational illnesses and NADs? 2 Are all your staff up to date with their periodic medical check and/or fitness to work? 3 Are all PDO specific fitness to work medical examinations conducted by PDO approved clinics? and do your medical staff review the submitted reports to confirm conformance to PDO standards? 4 Are all employees with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high Blood Pressure etc being followed up appropriately? 5 Do you conduct regular health awareness to your staff? And specifically do you encourage your staff to seek medical help if feeling unwell? 6 Do your medical staff get approved by PDO medical department prior to deployment to PDO sites? 7 Does your medical staff attend regular continuous medical education and have valid MOH license and ACLS certification? 8 Do you ensure calibration of Medical equipments including AED and carry out daily ambulance inspection ? 9 Do you have Medical Emergency Response (MER) plan and do you conduct medical drills? 10 Do you have a clear Alcohol and drugs policy? 11 Does your medical service submit to PDO the monthly health performance report? 12 Is health management within the direct working environment of the deceased meeting Company standards? 13 Are health activities included into the annual HSE plans? Confidential - Not to be shared outside of PDO/PDO contractors

Name of Company and incident date Sequence of events, during and post incident response – Timeline No. Date Time Description of event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Date attended HII training Investigation Team Members- Names, reference indicators, role in investigation Name Ref. Ind Role Attended the scene Yes / No HII* trained Date attended HII training 1 Investigation Team Lead 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *HII – HSE Incident Investigation A list of team members starting with the investigation LEAD For contractor related incidents this MUST be led by them and NOT by PDO. PDO staff may be required to support the investigation team.