Computer Society Chapter (San Antonio) IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 24, 2016 San Marcos, TX
Chapter Leadership Team Chair: Tom O'Brien Vice Chair: Dr. Wenbin Luo Secretary: Vacant Treasurer: James Brakefield Webmaster: Vacant Past Chair: Gary Rogers Advisor: Dr. Djaffer Ibaroudene Notes:
Chapter Updates Chapter has successfully moved to a near-year-round schedule Student night includes an “attendance incentive” Chapter has successfully presented a series of meeting programs on Cybersecurity Programs include more demonstrations Chapter now uses vtools eNotices for two announcements per month (1 main, 1 reminder) Notes:
2016 Chapter Meetings Date Technical or Admin Topic Speaker L31 January Technical Cyber Liability Insurance SWBC Y February FPGA to “Hello, World” J Brakefield March 1. InfraGard 2. Vysk S Atkinson April Student Night May Demonstration of “CodeBug” computer for school children T O’Brien June None July August Sports Technology P Bowman September Cloud Challenges A Barsoum October Speak and Spell – Success story R Wiggins November Intellectual Property (Tentative) L ONeal December TBA Notes:
SWOT Analysis Strengths – Reliable volunteers, excellent meeting facilities, support from CTS Vice Chair (San Antonio) Garrett Polhamus Weaknesses – Relatively low attendance, small member population (~ 180) Opportunities – Develop connections to local academic departments – CompSci, Engineering, IT Threats – IEEE Term Limits could hinder chapter development. Notes:
Chapter Plans / Issues Continue developing Cybersecurity connection – academic, government, and business Vary the meeting location to draw in students, faculty, business, government Co-sponsor Distinguished Lecturers Co-sponsor Chapter meetings with wide interest Reach a larger audience, both IEEE and non-IEEE Provide light refreshments (pizza/sandwiches and soft drinks) for meetings Notes:
QUESTIONS??? Thanks! If you’d like to learn more about electronic services, you’ll want to attend the session on the Electronic Services being presented this afternoon by Christian Borgert (BORE-GERT) and Chip Dawson. If you miss this afternoon’s session, you can see it tomorrow morning. Now I’d like to answer your questions about newsletters and electronic services . . . (After Q&A) I’m sorry we don’t have time to answer all of your questions, but we have an abundance of expertise with us this weekend, and much of it is in the Computer Lab upstairs. Stop by and get more information anytime.