The 1970s
Economic changes Cost of living triples from 1960 to 1980 Stagflation Welfare + military spending without tax increases Deindustrialization Shift to Sunbelt Foreign competition automation Service Economy Working women save the Middle-class family
Oil Shocks Yom Kippur War OPEC Price of a gallon of gas nearly doubled Leaders in the US called on energy conservation, closing gas stations on certain days, only being able to fill up on certain days or if your license plate was even or odd. Loss of faith in American independence in a globalized economy
1970s Culture 1971- first video game entered the market, and the first coin operated arcade video game machine was released Culture focused on individualism rather than curing social problems focus on personal expression through disco and dancing, fashion, health food, diets, physical exercise, and eastern religions. Television becomes more “real”: 1:40 – 6:00, 7:00 – 8:20, 9:10 – 10:27 Music: 10 – 12:50, 21:35 – 22:30, 23:05 – 25:30, 31:30 – 38:00 Dramatic rise in crime: 0-1, 20:30 – 25.42, 40:40 - 42
Backlash Neoconservatism Moral Majority Belief that welfare programs were putting a strain on the nation's economic productivity. Belief that radical reforms were destroying moral virtues in American society ranging from education to religion. Moral Majority a political group created by Jerry Falwell, who raised money to defeat liberal politicians. They opposed: abortion, homosexuality, the Equal Rights Amendment, advocated for prayer and the teaching of creationism, the increase of military spending and lobbied for laws that reflected what they felt defined the conservative Christian values of America.