Pellet target developments at ITEP A.Gerasimov, V.Chernetsky, M.Büscher, P.Fedorets, A. Kantsyrev, E. Lushchevskaia, V. Panyushkin, A. Bogdanov, A.Dolgolenko, P.Balanutsa, E.Ladygina, L.Gusev, S.Mineev, I.Tarasenko, V. Demekhin, S.Makagonov, D.Bogachenko, N.Kristi, V.Karasev Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I. Alikhanov of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute» Moscow, Russia PANDA Meeting, Darmstadt, March 05-09, 2018
Current activities Data acquisition system for target (present version) New software for delay and piezo generators Advanced data acquisition with PLC (first test) LED backlighter + multi-pulse mode Development of the adjustment system Data analysis and tuning of the geometrical and thermo-physical parameters Transfer of the first prototype from FZJ to ITEP Preparation of the draft of the TDR
Data acquisition system for target (present version) Gas flow control Remote controlled system via TCP/IP sockets Delphi XE2 language software for Windows PC Local Hard disk data saving Temperatures Heater control Pressure
New software for delay and piezo generators Signal generator Rigol DG4202 for piezo rings Delay generator Stanford DG645 for backlighter Ethernet interface Delphi XE2 software Signal amplifier TABOR El. 9100 Signals 10 ns – 1 ms Delphi XE2 software Signal to piezo rings : Amplitude: up to ±100 V Frequency up to 1 MHz Piezzo Ring (installed on to holder of nozzle) Driver for Powerful LED LUXEON V-Star
. . . . . Advanced data acquisition with PLC (first test) Using of PLC (Programmable logic controllers) provide stable, autonomous readout and store of pellet target parameters to MySQL database Delay generator ICPDAS XPAC XP8041 PLC Controller (Windoss Embedded + Visual Studio) Database TCP/IP Sockets protocol SQL request Pressure readout Pfeiffer TPG256 . . . . . ICPDAS μPac 7186 (C language) Local controllers – Heater controller PHP, WEB interface Delphi XE2 user programs
LED backlighter + multi-pulse mode Parameters MOSFET driver scheme Powerful LED LUXEON V-Star (800mW) Min exposure: 100 ns Power supply 30 V 5 pulses with duration 300 ns each, repetition rate 1 MHz Posibility of visualisation of pellet movement at one image Light signals obtained by Hamamatsu R760 photomultiplier Lenses -Sigma DG APO Macro 180 mm f/ 2.8
Development of the adjustment system Idea: MDC Vacuum BLM-133-1-03 UHV linear actuator (proposed) Movement by stepper motors, 3 µm linear steps Onitex OSM-42R controller
Development of the adjustment system Present system of linear actuator + stepper motor operated via L-CARD E14-140 controller is prepared for tests Linear actuator Stepper motor
Development of the adjustment system two options for fixation of the sluice are under study: lower end (on the membrane) or upper end (on the bottom of triple point chamber (TPC)) Lower end on membrane upper end on bottom of TPC Triple point chamber (TPC)
Data analysis Determination of the droplet velocity in the triple point chamber Profile of the droplet stream Z Distance droplet-droplet, μm Example from tests in 2018 f=445 kHz Z , μm droplet velocity = average distance x f ≈ 33 m/s
Transfer of the first prototype from FZJ to ITEP Tax free permission is obtained from the Russian government in beginning of February 2018. The procedure takes one year. The negotiations with the transport companies for the preparation of the tender is going on. The transfer is planned in the middle of April 2018 With the parts from the first prototype the configuration of the second prototype will be completed Preparation of the draft of the TDR Writing of the draft of the Pellet target TDR is going on. The prototype is not completed. Some tests for TDR can not be performed. Waiting for transfer from FZJ. R&D studies are not finished. Some results are still absent.