SET-UP DIRECTIONS S E T Sit and organize materials: Date: S Sit and organize materials: Community Forum Cluster Group Power Partners Cooperative Group Digital Learning Team E Examine and follow teacher’s directions. Vocabulary FLASH T Take the Challenge! Review and predict the answers to the Challenge Question. This example of Set-Up Directions includes important elements of a Set-Up routine and is posted at the beginning of a lesson to help students get started. It incorporates a protocol for providing students general directions along with a Challenge Question aligned with the objective of the lesson. Set-Up directions are dated and posted in the same location at the beginning of class and after major transitions (e.g., returning from an assembly, computer lab, or media center or changing from one content learning activity to another). The directions may be posted on a chart or projected, and students are taught that they are to read them as soon as they enter the class. All tasks listed on the Set-Up directions, are to be completed by the specified Ready to Start Time. Team members use the High Performing, Okay, or Try Harder Rating System and report the rating to the class at the Ready to Start time. Ready-To-Learn Time 10:08