Cabrillo college Human Resources Department Presentation for 2019 New Employee Orientation January 24 2019 Prepared by Angela R. Hoyt, J.D., Director of Human Resources & Labor Relations Cabrillo College
Welcome to Cabrillo College! Mission: Cabrillo College empowers students to be effective communicators, critical thinkers, and responsible world citizens. With a commitment to quality and equity, we connect all learners to pathways that propel them from where they are to where they aspire to be, including: academic, personal, and career growth. Vision: Cabrillo College improves the world, one student at a time.
CABRILLO COLLEGE ORGANIZATION California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office: Cabrillo Community College District – 7 Member Board of Trustees: President: Dr. Matt Wetstein: President’s Cabinet: 3 VPs, Dean of RPIE, Director of HR/Labor Relations, Director of Marketing & Communications Participatory Governance – College Planning Committee & other governance committees Faculty Senate; Student Senate; CCFT; CCEU Cabrillo College Foundation: The Big Org Chart (handout): _080718.pdf
Board Policies & Administrative Procedures Who? What? When? Where? Why? Most important?
Human Resources Department Overview
Human Resources Department Staff Angela Hoyt Director, Human Resources & Labor Reslations * Department/Program Administration * Budget * Employee and Labor Relations * Negotiations & Labor Contract Administration * Unlawful Discrimination Complaints & Legal Issues * Emergency Preparedness and Planning *504 Coordinator for Cabrillo College Amy Mahoney Administrative Assistant * Administrative Support for the Director *AP/BPs & Budget Assistance * Criminal History Clearance & Subpoena Processing Samantha Folb Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer * Title IX/Sexual Harassment/ Misconduct/Discrimination/ Retaliation Complaints *Compliance Regarding Training and Certification *Creates & provides training Vacant Personnel Analyst Hilda Montanez Asst Director of Human Resources * Classification, Compensation and Employment-Related Studies * Reports * Recruitment Advertising *EEO Initiatives * Operations/Recruitment Monthly Board Agenda Compilation Employee Relations Staff Data Reporting *Compliance & Mandated Training * Emergency Preparedness and Planning Susan Torres Benefits Analyst * Health and Welfare Benefits * Workers' Compensation * Safety *Leaves of Absence Amy Lamson Human Resources Technician Andre Samayoa Roxanne Nicholson Department Assistant Human Resources Technician * Classified Employment * CCEU Contract Implementation * Classified Records Update & Maintenance * Academic Employment * CCFT Contract Implementation * Faculty Records Update & Maintenance * Reception * Recruitment/Selection * NEOGOV Support HR Org Chart Jan. 2019
Human Resources Department Overview HR Department Building 1550 Hours of operation: Mon. – Thurs. 9:00 - 12:00; 1:00 – 4:00 Fri. – Closed to public, except by appointment HR handles employment for approximately: 191 full-time faculty 495 adjunct faculty 229 classified staff 14 confidential staff 41 managers and administrators 100+ temporary hourly (which typically goes up at the start of the school year) Plus ~500 student workers Note – Student employment is handled through Student Services, not HR --- but HR handles fingerprinting & background check review for student employees, employees, and volunteers
Human Resources – Recruiting/Hiring During fiscal year 2017/2018, HR handled recruitments for: 60 faculty 96 non-faculty In addition, roughly 44 lateral transfer opportunities were offered to classified employees. At peak times, we are handling over 100 active recruitments. This is a FUN part of HR – bringing in new happy excited employees!
Benefits & Employee assistance program Benefits Information -- Employee Assistance Program --
Human Resources Department It is our mission to provide excellent service, partnering and support to all Cabrillo employees to help us all achieve our joint mission of empowering students to be effective communicators, critical thinkers, and responsible world citizens and, with a commitment to quality and equity, to connect all learners to pathways that propel them from where they are to where they aspire to be, including: academic, personal, and career growth. We ask of you: Please call or come by anytime! Please complete your mandatory trainings on time! Please respond timely to HR requests and calls! Please have fun at Cabrillo College!