California Community Colleges California Community Colleges Flexible Calendar Certification Process for 2019-20 4CSD Conference March 6-8, 2019 4/15/2019 California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Introductions LeBaron Woodyard, Ph. D. Dean, Academic Affairs Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges Bob Quinn Specialist California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Overview Background Flexible Calendar Programs Flexible Calendar Advisory Committee Flexible Calendar Coordinator Flexible Calendar Evaluation All College Activities Individual Activities Online Submission Process Title 5 § 55724-Reporting Activities Online Title 5 § 58142 175 Day Rule (Changes in number of Flex Days) Record Keeping and Audit Information Flex Issues Classified Professional Development Fund Q & A California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Program Background Flexible Calendar Program started getting organized as far back as 1960 and 1970’s Serious action in 1976 with AB 2232 (1975) - initiated a pilot project which included 6 Colleges - allowed 6 Colleges to reduce number of instructional day from 175 to 160 SUCCESS!! Due to the success of the first 6 pilot schools, in 1981 AB 1149 allowed all colleges the option of adopting the Flexible Calendar Program California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Program Purpose Flexible Calendar Program allows employee (full-time, part-time, instructional, administrative, classified, and non-instructional) the time to work individually or with groups to achieve improvement in three distinct areas: Employee improvement Student improvement Instructional improvement California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
How can we deliver professional development /flex activities? Flex Calendar Program employee development activities “in- lieu-of” regular instruction and scheduled work hours, are intended for instructional improvement and student success and can be delivered in many formats including: a. in-service training b. workshops c. conferences d. seminars e. individual or small group planned projects f. institutionally planned activities California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
what KIND OF IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITIES? Flex activities can be, but are not limited to: Training programs, Group retreats, Field experiences, and Workshops in activities : Course and program development and revision, Employee development activities, Development of new instructional materials, and Other instruction-related activities California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Programs Today and tomorrow: A community college district may, with the approval of the Chancellor, designate up to 8.57 percent (15 out of 175 days) of flexible time per year (title 5, section 55720(b)). The number of days are determined locally, must be same for all colleges in the District (unless different days allowed under Union agreement), and should be determined by a shared governance process. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Programs OBLIGATIONS Approved Flexible Calendar Programs require colleges to ensure effective use of resources designated for Flex time. Establish and update annually a survey/needs assessment -critical employee, student, and instructional improvement needs in the district. Carry out a plan of Flex activities - address critical needs. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Programs OBLIGATIONS Maintain records on: Description, type and number of Flex activities scheduled Number of district employees and students participating in Flex activities Number of employee hours completed-Flex activities California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Programs OBLIGATIONS Evaluate annually: Effectiveness of conducted activities Update the plan to reflect needed changes Hold regular advisory committee meetings (title 5 §55730 (e)) Provide documentation of these activities to the Chancellor upon request California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar ACCOUNTABLE HOURS Full-Time Faculty Flexible Calendar time is based on the employee’s contracted obligation for hours of classroom instruction. Current policy reflects average of 6 hours to one academic work day. If the District has 3 Flexible Calendar days: 3 days*6 hours = 18 work day flex hours Adjunct Faculty Flexible Calendar time is calculated the same but proportional to employee’s contracted obligation for hours of classroom instruction. 3 days*2 hours= 6 academic work day flex hours California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
BECAUSE FLEX TIME ACTIVITIES ARE LINKED TO APPORTIONMENT Request for approval via “Activities Report” should contain: Complete description of the calendar configuration. Days of instruction and evaluation, which will meet the requirements of the 175-Day Rule. Number of days employee will participate in employee, student, and instructional improvement in lieu of regular classroom instruction. Mandatory days must be negotiated and agreed upon through the local bargaining process. Kinds of activities college personnel will be engaged in during their designated employee, student, and instructional improvement days. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Got Flex Advisory Committee? District responsibility (title 5, section 55730(e)): Advisory committee - composed of faculty, staff, students, administrators, union, and other interested persons - membership representative of the institution. Terms of office for members of the committee - provide for continuity. Advisory committee makes recommendations on employee, student, and instructional improvement activities (title 5, section 55730(e)). Based upon a comprehensive planning process - includes needs assessment and evaluation. Planning process - determined local shared governance. Advisory committee may assist the flexible calendar coordinator implement the flexible calendar program. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Coordinator Coordinator responsible for the overall planning and implementation of the flex calendar. Duties include record keeping and chairing of the Flexible Calendar advisory committee. Coordinator's term of office should be sufficient for development of the knowledge and abilities necessary for the job and provide for continuity in leadership. There should be a process for developing specific job criteria, review, and reappointment which is implemented through local shared governance structures. These processes should include orientation and training of incoming coordinators. Coordinator should receive sufficient reassigned time to handle the responsibilities of the job. There should be adequate clerical support, equipment, and supplies to accomplish the necessary requirements of the program. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Evaluation of Flexible Calendar Activities A comprehensive evaluation of flexible calendar program activities should occur (title 5, section 55730(d)) on a consistent basis as determined through shared governance mechanisms. A comprehensive evaluation process incorporates four different levels, ranging from basic to advanced. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Evaluation Parameters Each college should determine, through its own collegial processes, its own configuration of individuals responsible for conducting the evaluation of flexible calendar program activities. However a college decides to conduct its comprehensive evaluation of flexible calendar program activities, it must include faculty and employee involvement in each step of the evaluation. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Evaluation Table The below chart lists the four levels for evaluating professional development activities: Type Description Reaction Determines what participants think about the program or activity. Achievement Measures participants' achievement. Determines whether facts, skills or knowledge were attained. Behavior Determines if participants have modified their on-the-job behavior and are using the information obtained through the program or activities. Impact Measures whether training has had a positive impact on the organization including student outcomes, improved morale, etc. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Individual employee Agreements Each employee member is responsible for the development of his or her individual plan for professional and/or personal growth for the purpose of instructional improvement (title 5, section 55726(a)). This individual plan may encompass any combination of individually designed activities, institutionally planned workshops, conferences, and/or academic courses. These activities must be appropriate within the regulations that govern the flexible calendar program (title 5, section 55724 (a) (4) (A through G)). California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Individual Plans The plan should include; Measurable objective(s) that the employee member anticipates accomplishing during the time period. A statement that relates the objectives to the intent of the flexible calendar program (employee, student, and/or instructional improvement). A list of activities to carry out the stated objectives. The number of flexible calendar program hours needed to complete individual activities. The approval of individual employee plans should be accomplished by a peer review process as determined by each college through its shared governance process. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Online Submission Process survey gizmo link SurveyGizmo online survey tool The link to the forms inside e-mail sent to Flex Coordinator Deadline is June 3, 2019. Please make sure all contact information for Coordinator is up to date All forms except signature page for the Certificate Form (FC- 001) are to be submitted through the online process The signature page for the Certificate Form (FC-001) is due June 15, 2019, via postal or courier system, and located at the following URL: gramsandProfessionalDevelopment/FlexibleCalendar.aspx California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
SECTION 55724. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (as listed in online survey) (A) course instruction and evaluation; (B) staff development, in-service training and instructional improvement (C) program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation; (D) student personnel services; (E) learning resource services; (F) related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, employee, and staff diversity; (G) departmental or division meetings, conferences and workshops, and institutional research; (H) other duties as assigned by the district. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Changing number of Flex days? If a school makes changes in the number of their flexible calendar days, either to increase or decrease the number of days, a separate action is necessary to comply with title 5 §58142 - 175 Days rule. The school must contact the Chancellor’s Office and request a Flexible Calendar - Approval of Changes to the Number of Flexible Calendar Days Form. The District and the Chancellor’s Office must approve a change in the number of flexible calendar days, one fiscal year prior to the change in the number of days. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Title 5 §58142 175 Days rule (continued) The form, when completed, collects the required information for a change in the number of Flexible Calendar Days. (1) A complete description of the calendar configuration; (2) The district's ability to comply with the 175-Day Rule as provided in Section 58142; and (3) The educational implications, positive and negative, of the proposed change. When the submission is completed and approved, the Chancellor’s Office will send “Approved Request for Changes “ letter to the school, and forward same letter to Chancellor’s Fiscal Unit. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
FLEX CALENDAR PROGRAM RECORD KEEPING The Flexible Calendar Program Record Keeping-CLASS 3 RECORDS § 59025. Class 3-Disposable Records. All records, other than Continuing Records, not classified as Class 1-Permanent or Class 2-Optional, shall be classified as Class 3-Disposable, including, but not limited to, detail records relating to: (a) records basic to audit, including those relating to attendance, full-time equivalent student, or a business or financial transaction (purchase orders, invoices, warrants, ledger sheets, canceled checks and stubs, student body and cafeteria fund records, etc.), and detail records used in the preparation of any other report; and (b) periodic reports, such as daily, weekly, and monthly reports, bulletins, and instructions. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Flexible Calendar Program Record Keeping (Continued) § 59026. Retention Period. (a) Generally, a Class 3-Disposable record, unless otherwise specified in this Subchapter, should be destroyed during the third college year after the college year in which it originated (e.g., 1993-94 plus 3 = 1996-97). Federal programs, including various student aid programs, may require longer retention periods and such program requirements shall take precedence over the requirements contained herein. (b) With respect to records basic to an audit, a Class 3-Disposable record shall not be destroyed until after the third July 1 succeeding the completion of the audit required by Education Code Section 84040 or of any other legally required audit, or that period specified by Section 59118, or after the ending date of any retention period required by any agency other than the State of California, whichever date is later. (c) With respect to continuing records, a continuing record shall not be destroyed until the third year after it has been classified as Class 3- Disposable. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
AUDIT FILES Agreements and records are maintained for each employee who performs flex activities in-lieu-of classroom instruction. The number of hours of flex activities is at least equal to the classroom hours from which the employee is released, plus associated hours of out-of-classroom responsibilities (55726). Attendance accounting data as requested, for purposes of calculating the flex adjustment, are reported to the Chancellor's Office Fiscal Services Unit (55728). An assessment of needs and a plan of activities are developed annually (55730). Records of participation are maintained and evaluation is conducted annually (55730). A flex advisory committee including faculty, students, administrators, and other interested persons meets regularly to make recommendations (55730). (Keep meeting minutes in files ) California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Student Success Taskforce Recommendations Who Says We Need Professional Development! Student Success Taskforce Recommendations Recommendation #6 - Revitalize and Re-Envision Professional Development Recommendation 6.1 - Community colleges will create a continuum of strategic professional development opportunities, for all faculty, staff, and administrators to be better prepared to respond to the evolving student needs and measures of student success. Recommendation 6.2 - Community Colleges will direct professional development resources for both faculty and staff toward improving basic skills instruction and support services. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Who else says we need professional development! AB 2558, D. Williams Chaptered September 19, 2014 2019-20 Budget Change Proposal for $25 Million Ad Hoc Professional Development Committee – Mandated regulations for Education Code 87150 and 87151 have been developed and although started moving through the legal title 5 approval process, Chancellor’s Office has not yet moved to BOG Establishes the process by which proposed $25M funding will be distributed to participating colleges Revised Flexible Calendar Program title 5 language pertaining to “classified” California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Flex Issues Questions and/or issues may be submitted through Survey Gizmo through the following URL: Colleges-Flexible-Calendar-Question-or-Issue-Form or Please email Bob Quinn@ California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Classified Professional Development Fund 2018-19 California State Budget allocated $5 Million for Classified Professional Development Original funds were placed in the K-12 budget allocation of $50 Million for Classified Staff. Lobbying efforts re-directed 10% of the funds ($5 Million) to the California Community Colleges for Community Colleges Classified Staff Funds are allocated on a proportional basis from the Full Time Equivalent Staff in the Fall Term 2017 Funds will be released in Spring 2019 due to delays in establishing this new accounting line item. California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
Resources Flex Calendar Handbook-2007 version, needs updating but still very useful gramsandProfessionalDevelopment/FlexibleCalendar.aspx Student Attendance Accounting Manual, Addendum Concerning Academic Calendars, Scheduling, and Related Topics dsandAccountibilityUnit/AttendanceAccounting.aspx#Attendanc e_Accounting_/_FTES California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office NEW! UPDATED! Contact Information Raul Arambula, Dean (916) 322-6888 Bob Quinn (916) 324-2358 California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 4/15/2019