The life and times of Thomas Alva Edison Your Name Your Teacher Your Grade The life and times of Thomas Alva Edison “I haven’t FAILED. I’VE JUST FOUND 10,000 WAYS THAT wON’T WORK.”
Thomas Edison’s childhood Where was he born? What did his parents do? Did he experience challenges when he was a child? What kind of a student was he? What were his interests? Did he go to college? If so, where?
Accomplishments Example One Example Two Example Three
Interesting Facts Fact One Fact Two Fact Three
Optional Timeline Make a timeline of the dates and important events or accomplishments. PLEASE NOTE WHAT RESOURCE (book or website) YOU USED TO CREATE THE TIMELINE Name of Event 1 Name of Event 2 Name of Event 3 Name of Event 4 Name of Event 5 Name of Event 6 Name of Event 7 Name of Event 8 1st Date 2nd Date 3rd Date 4th Date 5th Date 6th Date 7th Date 8th Date Description of Event