And we’re off to have fun! We’ll visit the planets, I’m Mrs. Ekizian, And we’re off to have fun! We’ll visit the planets, The stars and the sun!
MERCURY Hot and close to the sun Grey and has craters Sun makes it hot 36 million miles from sun No water on this planet
VENUS Hot, dry, windy, and no rain Very small planet Covered with clouds 67 million miles from sun 900 degrees Fahrenheit
EARTH Spins all the time Third planet from the sun Life on this planet
MARS Small rocky planet Fourth planet from sun Dust storms 687 days for Mars to go around the sun Looks like a bright star from Earth
JUPITER Fifth planet from sun Largest planet in the solar system Made up of gases Covered by clouds
SATURN SATURN Sixth planet from sun Thousands of rings around planet More than 17 moons Lightest planet
URANUS Sixth planet from the sun Gets its color from the gases Can see Uranus with a telescope Takes 84 years to orbit the sun
NEPTUNE Eight planet from the sun Furthest planet from the sun Has 8 moons
We’re home!