I have a spherical shape. I do NOT orbit the Sun. I orbit a planet. OBJECT 1 I have a spherical shape. I do NOT orbit the Sun. I orbit a planet. MOON
I do NOT have a spherical shape. OBJECT 2 I orbit the Sun. I do NOT have a spherical shape. I have a very elongated elliptical orbit. I am made of ice, dust, and rock. COMET
I have a spherical shape. I have many moons. OBJECT 3 I orbit the Sun. I have a spherical shape. I have many moons. I am the 2nd largest object in the solar system. I am known to have a great storm raging across my surface. JUPITER
I have a spherical shape. I orbit the Sun. OBJECT 4 I have a spherical shape. I orbit the Sun. I do NOT have a ring system. I have two moons. I am known for my red color. I am named after the Roman God of War. MARS
I do NOT have a spherical shape. I reside IN the Asteroid Belt. OBJECT 5 I orbit the Sun. I do NOT have a spherical shape. I reside IN the Asteroid Belt. ASTEROID
OBJECT 6 I have a spherical shape. I orbit the Sun. I have a “cleared” orbital path. I have a terrestrial surface. I have an atmosphere. I have a moon. My moderate temperatures allow liquid water to exist on my surface. EARTH
OBJECT 7 I have a spherical shape. I have multiple moons. I do NOT have a terrestrial surface. I have a ring system, but it is dark and narrow (not easily visible). I am NOT the biggest planet. I have a blue tint because of the methane on my surface. My axis of rotation is nearly sideways. I am NOT the furthest planet from the Sun. URANUS
OBJECT 8 I have a spherical shape. I can be found INSIDE the Asteroid Belt. I do NOT have moons. I DO have many satellites, though. I contain 99% of the mass of the Solar System. I give off radiant and thermal energy through nuclear fusion. SUN
OBJECT 9 I have a spherical shape. I orbit the Sun. I can be found OUTSIDE the Asteroid Belt. I am NOT gaseous. I do NOT have a “cleared” orbital path. PLUTO
I have a spherical shape. I reside WITHIN the Asteroid Belt. OBJECT 10 I orbit the Sun. I have a spherical shape. I reside WITHIN the Asteroid Belt. My orbital path is NOT clear. CERES
OBJECT 11 I orbit the Sun. I have a spherical shape. I am terrestrial. I can be found INSIDE the Asteroid Belt. I do NOT have a moon. I have a thick atmosphere. I am sometimes called “Earth’s Sister”. I am named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. VENUS
I have a spherical shape. I have a ring-system. OBJECT 12 I orbit the Sun. I have a spherical shape. I have a ring-system. I am NOT the largest planet. I am NOT referred to as an “Ice Giant”. I am the least dense planet. SATURN
I do NOT have a ring-system. I orbit the Sun. OBJECT 13 I do NOT have a ring-system. I orbit the Sun. I have a “clear” orbital path. I do NOT have a moon. I do NOT have an atmosphere. I am the smallest planet. MERCURY
When I enter Earth’s atmosphere, I usually burn up. OBJECT 14 I am NOT spherical. I do NOT orbit the Sun. When I enter Earth’s atmosphere, I usually burn up. METEOROID
OBJECT 15 I orbit the Sun. I have a “clear” orbital path. I am spherical. I have a ring-system. I am known as an “Ice Giant”. My existence was predicted by mathematical calculations. I am the most-dense planet. NEPTUNE