Common Core Standards: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Common Core Standards: RL11.3, RL11.1 SL11.1, W11.2, L11.4 Aim: How can we strengthen our writing to a level 4 on a Task 3 CENTRAL IDEA essay? Do Now: Write a central idea about “lying.” You may want to use you central idea starters handout to guide you. WTPS/Turn and Talk Discuss the central idea you created with your table mates. Respond to your peers using sentence starters provided this semester.
Aim: How can we strengthen our writing to a level 4 on a Task 3 essay? Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Common Core Standards: RL11.3, RL11.1 SL11.1, W11.2, L11.4 Aim: How can we strengthen our writing to a level 4 on a Task 3 essay? Task: Sample A&B Essays Step 1: Read and color-code the essay provided: Use red to underline the central idea and literary device, blue or black for quotes/evidence, and green/pencil for analysis. Step 2: Proofread/give student feedback on sample essays. Step 3: Grade it using the rubric and provide rationale. Possible student answer: You should never tell a lie because it could come back to harm you later.