Scientific revolution & enlightenment Test review WORLD HISTORY STUDIES
Contributing factors Scientific revolution spurred a thought of direct observation versus previous belief Led to a rise of uncertainty about the universe New theories on astronomy Restricted power of the monarchy Instead of automatic guilt and punishment, trials were now granted Suffrage – right to vote; spurred universal education for better-educated voters Rationalism – reason is the main source of knowledge
Thinkers… Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Baron de Montesquieu were all philosophers Ideas were basis for American Government Enlightenment spurred reasoning, natural law and scientific thinking Rousseau – social contract stating society agrees to be governed at will Joseph II pursued truly radical changes based on Enlightenment; Descartes – started from scratch because he doubted what he learned
All the single ladies… Marie Curie – greatly contributed to medicine Mary Wollstonecraft – believed women had reason like men Female scientists had to publish their work anonymously
SCIENCE! Heliocentric – belief that the sun is the center of the universe (proposed by Copernicus, later supported by Galileo) Voltaire – believed the universe was like a clock Isaac Newton – laws of motion