High Performance Teams Name Institution Affiliation
Introduction A high performance team is a group of people that are within an organisation that have skills that are exemplary and who works towards a shared vision The team is collaborative so that they can achieve common goals In such a team leadership is shared equally To accrue high results an organisation need to have a high performance team
How a group becomes a high performance team. Enhancing cohesiveness among group members Laying down effective strategies to deal with conflict resolution (Majmudar et al., 2010) Creating sketch goals to be achieved by team members Constant communication to the team members The roles of each member should be clearly stipulated Maintaining positive relationships within the teams
Globalized Companies that used High-Performance Teams in their Efforts to Globalize The following is a list of companies that use high performance teams in their efforts to globalize: Starbucks Nike
Business and Ethical Considerations that underlie Globalization and their Effect on Team Dynamics Below are the various ethical and business considerations that must be considered while expanding the business globally: Uphold respect for cultural differences during interactions (Yücel, 2010). Act as per the rules of each region Promote social responsibility (Yücel, 2010)
References Majmudar, A., Jain, A., Chaudry, J., & Schwartz, R. (2010). High-Performance Teams and the Physician Leader: An Overview. Journal of Surgical Education, 67(4), 205-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsurg.2010.06.002 Yücel, R. (2010). Globalization of Markets, Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility. INTECH Open Access Publisher.