Free Education Tool for Climate Smart Agriculture


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Presentation transcript:

Free Education Tool for Climate Smart Agriculture Farming is affected by climate change; agriculture is also a major contributor to global climate change. The University of Reading led creation of a free ‘massive open online course’ (MOOC) on the future of farming, exploring ways to boost productivity and cut emissions in Europe’s dairy and wine sectors, as well as making them more resilient to future climate change. 18 experts from 10 institutions created 14 short videos. IMPACT: GHG mitigation, sustainable food production, climate impact STAGE: working with Climate-KIC flagship Climate Smart Agriculture Booster, in September 2018 the CSAb MOOC launched additional language versions of the course in French, German and Chinese. SCALE: over 5,000 students have taken the MOOC since 2017; new modules to the MOOC are being considered including soil health and the possibility of translation into Spanish is being explored. Development of the MOOC structure over 3 courses (/weeks), totalling 70 chapters (being either an article, a video, an infographic, a survey poll, a discussion, a quiz). The full course represents 10 hours of material, 18 graphical items, 14 videos, 15 case studies VIDEO at