By Jack T, Sophie, Harleigh and Luke Deserts By Jack T, Sophie, Harleigh and Luke
Introduction Some people think all deserts are sandy but that is not true. Deserts are all over the world except Europe. Lots and lots of animals live in the desert.
What is a desert? - A desert is only called a desert if it gets 10 inches of rain in a year. -Deserts are very dangerous because there is not much water. -THere is also icy deserts . - A desert is a large area of land only full of sand or ice.
Animals! - Animals have to adapt to live. -some animals come out at night because it is cooler. - Some people hunt down animals in the deserts.
Elf owl! Classification - The elf owl is a type of bird. Size - weight: 1 to 1.5 (oz) |Height- 5 inches. Diet - Elf owls eat moths , crickets , scorpions , centipedes and beetles. Predators - Elf owls are hunted by other owls , snakes , coyotes , bobcats and ringtails. Habitat- Elf owls live in places that there is water and cactie. Babies - Elf owls lay eggs (2-4 eggs at a time) hatch after 24 days.
Gila woodpecker -The gila woodpecker is a type of bird. -Size weight:3.5 oz- height: 8 to 10 inches long. -Diet The Gila woodpecker eats insects but they will eat them too. - Habitat The Gila woodpecker can be found in the sonoran desert and are found in all habitat. -predators Bobcats, coyotes, hawks, house cats, snakes and foxes. - Babies The Gila woodpecker can lay some eggs.
White-throated Woodrat Size: 8 inches Diet: White-throated woodrat eat cactus seeds Habitat: White-throated woodrats live in burrows and caves in deserts Classification: mammal Predators: White-throated woodrats are hunted by snakes, owls and foxes Babies: white-throated woodrats give birth to live young
Desert Plants Plants can grow in the desert Lots of different plants are in deserts Jack is now going to tell you about a cactus
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