Experimental approach and reproducibility Experimental approach and reproducibility Experimental workflow. Single‐gene knockout strains from the Keio collection were grown in M9‐supplemented medium at 30°C in 96‐well plates. DNA was stained with DAPI prior to imaging, and nine images were taken in both phase‐contrast and DAPI channels. The images were then processed with MicrobeTracker and Oufti to identify the cell and nucleoid contours. In parallel, we recorded the growth curve of each imaged strain in order to extract growth parameters.A SVM model was trained via visual scoring of 43,774 cells.Confusion matrix of the SVM model based on a large validation dataset (102,137 cells), illustrating the distribution of the SVM classifier output in comparison with the visual classification.Comparison of the average cell length of 178 strains obtained from two independent 96‐well cultures of the 176 most phenotypically remarkable Keio strains and two WT replicates. Manuel Campos et al. Mol Syst Biol 2018;14:e7573 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend