The process of collecting data for monitoring the progress of SOPHRD related to data protection Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

The process of collecting data for monitoring the progress of SOPHRD related to data protection Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development Romania

Legislative framework the Annex XXIII of the Council Regulation no 1828/2006 national law No 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of such data, amended and supplemented, the law is in conformity with Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 October 1995 In accordance the law mentioned above, MASOPHRD has been registered as data operator under no.9080 since 2008 All the beneficiaries are required to be registered respect the provisions of law No.677/2001

Data requested from the target groups in order to provide the information for Annex 23 First name/surname Personal ID Contacts/ Phone,E-mail Address/Locality/County Gender Nationality Age = contains values from the predefined list (below 15 years, 15-24 years, 25-54 years, 55-64 years over 64 years), and is mandatory residence = Must contain values from the predefined list (Rural and Urban), and is mandatory Education level = contains values from the predefined list (ISCED 1, ISCED 2, ISCED 3, ISCED 4, ISCED 5, ISCED 6) Status in the labour market = contains values from the predefined list (Employed (total number of employed, including self-employed), Self-employed, Unemployed (total number of unemployed including long-term unemployed), Long-term unemployed, Inactive persons, Inactive persons in education or training) Apartenence to a voulnerable group

Progress in collecting data on target groups Until now, there were no problems (regarding personal data protection) in the process of collecting data from the beneficiaries

Methods used to collect the data Until March 2011, the data on target groups were collected from the questionnaires filled in by each participant which were aggregated and sent to MASOPHRD within an Excel file Starting with 7th March 2011, the beneficiaries will use IMS SOPHRD/ActionWeb module, “Target Group” section to provide the data on target groups in an integrated manner This functionality was designed in order to ensure a more safety data

Integrated Management System SIM POSDRU is an internal management system needed for internal management activities, analysis and control of Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development and for monitoring the implementation status from financial, physical and procedural point of views. IMS-SOPHRD is the implementation of the initial process for collecting information for the entire system, Through SIM POSDRU we continue to build the integrated information system in order to provide automation for the full life cycle of the projects managed by the MA SOPHRD. In this regard, the main goal of the project "Integrated Management Information System (SIM POSDRU)” is strengthening the capacity of the MA and IB in order to implement an efficient management of SOPHRD. SIM POSDRU will provide the management and support structures involved in the SOPHRD implementation with automation and optimization of management, monitoring and control activities which will support the effective main phases of the macro process of the implementation of the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development .

Collection in Real Time of the Data This system will effectively ensure all the phases of the macro process of the Implementation of the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development , derived from the ESF specificities. The development of the system will ensure the collection in real time of the data directly from both potential and current beneficiaries regarding the submitted and ongoing projects as well by filling in all the information directly in the system, allowing both potential and current beneficiaries to be users of the system. The information system will ensure the management of the projects starting from the contracting phase, through the initiation phase, registration of the implementation technical and financial data and reports (expenditures, reimbursements, etc.) until their completion. The system will allow updating / integration of the identification data and of the information regarding the beneficiary implementation process and the validation of this data by the Management Authority and/or Intermediate Body for each project which is in accordance with art. 60, point c, from Council Regulation (EC) no. 1083/2006 and Council Regulation (EC) no 1828/2006 regarding European Social Fund;

The implementation of SIM POSDRU will allow the registration by the beneficiary of the data regarding the Target Group according SIM POSDRU allow the beneficiaries to submit expenditures reports, according with the deadlines set by the Management Authority and submission of periodic declarations of expenditures (interim or final); The development of the SIM POSDRU will allow the beneficiaries to store, search and consult in electronic format all the documents regarding the projects, rules and regulations at the European and national level, planning documents, guides, instructions, implementation reports, monitoring reports, statistics, etc.