Analyzing author’s craft Question 2: Day 1
Read Aloud
So far… We identified story elements. We determined the importance of small parts, such as story elements, in stories. We analyzed how one part of a story is important to the whole story. We justified our thinking using text evidence.
Author’s craft What is author’s craft? Turn and talk. Let’s share! Why do we need to pay attention to craft techniques? Turn and talk.
Author’s Craft Technique: imagery (Show, Don’t Tell) Turn and talk: What do you notice? Why would an author SHOW and not just TELL?
Author’s Craft Technique: imagery (Show, Don’t Tell) Imagery is… Language that appeals to the senses Usually visual images, but can also appeal to sound, touch, taste, or smell Writerly Goal(s): Readers picture what the author is saying and can recreate it in their minds. Readers create more of a connection to the text. Readers can understand characters, settings, events, etc. on a deeper level. It provides more detail to the reader.
Question: The author could have just written that Mr Question: The author could have just written that Mr. Lacey decided to bring the dog back home. Instead, she wrote the scene she did. Explain why the author likely decided to write the story in this way. Use what you know about author’s craft techniques and goals to support your response. Level 1 Response: The author stretched out this scene to surprise the reader. I thought that Mr. Lacey was taking the dog to the pound when the trunk slammed. But he brought it back! This is important because Doris gets to keep the dog. What about this response is GOOD? Turn and talk. What about this response could IMPROVE? Turn and talk.
workshop Read book club book for 20 minutes. I will let you know when to get in your book clubs. Discuss your jots and work on your book club task with your book club.
Why would an author choose to use imagery as a craft move? Journal reflection In your notebook, reflect and respond to the following question: Why would an author choose to use imagery as a craft move?