Recent Bond Accomplishments
Bordeaux Elementary Remodel
New Evergreen Elementary
New Olympic Middle School
Upgrades to CHOICE School
Upgrades to CHOICE School New 40-year roof New windows New carpet in office and classrooms Hallways and office re-lamped with T-8 technology New ADA compliant restrooms New ADA compliant rear entry with elevator and foyer
Upgrades to Shelton High School
Upgrades to Shelton High School Some new HVAC units New seating, lights and sound in auditorium New 40-year roof on stadium New, more effective and efficient lighting in gym New, quieter and more efficient HVAC system in gym
Upgrades to Shelton HS (con’t) New, hardwood gym floor New, more efficient gas boilers for heating swimming pool New, more effective ventilation system for swimming pool New swimming pool back wall and roof New deduct water meter Installation of full natural gas capacity
Upgrades at Mt. View Elementary
Upgrades at Mt. View Elementary Parking and traffic improvements: - safer, more efficient traffic flow - new student drop off area - additional parking Site improvements: - improved field drainage - retention pond - better storm water management
Upgrades at Mt. View (con’t) Safety improvements: - improved fire loop - additional fire hydrant - new breezeway and playshed Interior and exterior paint
Other Bond Accomplishments: Purchased Administrative Services Building Purchased Maintenance Facility Demolished Angle Education Center Purchased portables at all 3 elementary schools
Current Facility Needs
Mt. View Elementary Complete modernization of school: New heating and ventilating system Upgraded restrooms Improve kitchen facilities Increase natural light / add windows New interior finishes Upgraded exterior finishes
Mt. View Elementary (con’t) Additional space to connect library building to main building Relocate administration office to west end by new parking lot - New main entry to building Complete modernization of annex
Mt. View Elementary (con’t)
Shelton High School Replace buildings 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 with 57,000 sq. ft. of new building Demolish buildings 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 The new building would “connect” remaining buildings 100, 200, 1100 and 1200 to make a single school structure Buildings 100, 200, 1100 and 1200 would be modernized
Shelton High School (con’t) The single structure would enhance student safety and staff supervision The new structure would be built completely outside the airport “no-fly zone” Gym building and shop building would be completely modernized Increase parking facilities Provide for future school expansion
Shelton High School (con’t)
Shelton High School Athletic Needs Build new visitor bleachers 1,200 seats covered seating press box Build visitor ticket booth / concession stands / restrooms Remodel restrooms and concessions below existing grandstands and add new area for locker rooms and offices
Shelton HS Athletic Needs (cont’) Provide new artificial turf football / soccer field Replace existing track surface
CHOICE School Provide new heating / ventilating system Improve electrical system Replace P.A. system Improve water piping Remodel kitchen and add area to increase size New kitchen equipment
CHOICE School (con’t) Improve lighting and sound system in auditorium Provide operable wall at stage to create additional teaching space Provide science lab classroom Provide “manufacture” classroom
Transportation Facility Remodel existing garage and 4 service bays Increase bus parking area Remodel existing office space Add on to office space to provide Larger staff meeting room More restroom fixtures Improved office layout
Administrative Services Building Improve heating / ventilating system
Maintenance Facility Demolish existing unused outer buildings Build a 3,000 sq. ft. addition to existing metal building Remodel existing metal building, shop and office areas Create a lobby / entrance area with elevator to second floor
Maintenance Facility (con’t) Improve parking Improve site security Lighting Fencing Electronic locks
Mountain View Elementary Modernization & Addition Shelton High School New-in-Lieu & Modernization Shelton High School Athletic Needs CHOICE School Remodel Technology Upgrades Administrative Services Building Upgrades New Elementary School #4 Maintenance Building Transportation Facility