Top 10 ways to make it work for your university TOWN GOWN RELATIONS Top 10 ways to make it work for your university Thank you Barbara. Penny mentioned she had never heard the term. How many of you know what this is?
What is Town Gown Relations? Town Gown (taun-gaun) n. the relationship between the city (‘town’) and the university (‘gown’) How many of you have a position for community relations and/or economic development? Sometimes in Advancement, sometimes in Provost… This person needs to be a professional networker, a Lego, who can: Constantly meet people make strategic connections with people and their organizations develop mutually beneficial relationships Why is it important for a university to have someone capable of supporting this kind of relationship with its community? I have 10 reasons Based on how UNCW has modeled our office:
1. It brings in money. With past and forthcoming budget cuts and elected officials questioning the value of higher education Who isn’t increasingly looking to donors to help pick up the slack? This is why stewardship is so extremely important, stewardship of your community, not just your current donors. Continually include and invite community groups to your events on campus: Rotary – WHQR – Holiday Open House – athletic events Every single person who is somehow engaged with your university is there because he/she has made a connection. Value that connection and cultivate it.
2. It provides opportunities for collaboration. Faculty members are interested in providing students the best learning experience And many times that has to be outside the classroom. WHA Community Campus…
6. It teaches good citizenship. The American Dream of Gen Z… They’re learning citizenship in their high schools, so continue that opportunity for them CLES – Center for Leadership Excellence and Service Chamber’s Work on Wilmington
3. It creates jobs. What community isn’t embracing economic development and job creation opportunities right now? This is an avenue where universities can take a leading role, or at least get a seat at the table: Entrepreneurship Center, Opinion Lab, Castle Branch, Babb McGrew
4. It turns challenges into opportunities. Use shared intellectual property for mutual benefit. Your faculty members are experts in their fields, right? And who doesn’t love being asked for advice? Use that to your advantage by tackling a community challenge. City branding campaign, urban development/land planning…
5. It allows you to lead with character. It has been important for UNCW to demonstrate the significance of top-level support of our community And for helping to create positive results. Business Leaders Summit… U-turn…
It makes a little ‘Magic.’ UNCW known as UNCWhite UNCWomen Diversity needs to not only be enabled, but embraced. Daniels Distinguished Lecture on Diversity and Inclusion Kicked off year long efforts of initiatives and events Diversity in the Workplace Conference this past Wednesday
7. It makes an impact. How many of you report community service hours? And how many capture more than just the number of hours? This is important and helps tell your institution’s story. Data collection, engagement impact report. Next step of impact report Now GA is asking system to do same
9. It builds trust. Remember those faculty experts? Use them whenever possible. University Relations Faculty Experts/NC REACH Proactive in their story pitching can regionalize and global issue ALSO, Neighborhood Task Force… public safety – of students and surrounding neighborhoods
10. It builds bridges. Connecting resources and people is just one component to a vital, successful community this is how UNCW and any university can and should lead the charge for its host community.