ITC/CTIT meeting 24 October 2016
Background EEMCS – Services, Cyber-security and Safety group Maya Daneva Luis Ferreira Pires Marten van Sinderen Roel Wieringa How to develop interoperable and integrated systems (complex networks of IT services) in which we balance the goals and needs of stakeholders with respect to cost-effectiveness, security and safety Service-oriented principles, architectures and technology Model-driven design and engineering Requirements engineering
Research program: why and how Our IT systems are decentralized, distributed and heterogeneous, and increasingly part of bigger socio-cyber-physical systems New challenges concerning seamless integration into their environment and interoperability of IT subsystems that process (real-time) data about the environment Services as technology application and as enabling technology Services exploit technology capabilities and hide technology specificity for (re)use in various end-user and business contexts Services enable interoperability of heterogeneous equipment, software programs and business processes Associated semantic technologies are used to establish and preserve meaning across system boundaries
Example projects COMMIT/SWELL: smart reasoning systems for well-being at work Modelling end-user goals, their dependency on user situations, and how the latter emerge from context events Using results from activity recognition algorithms to offer personalized services Dinalog/SynchromodalIT: dynamic planning of logistic activities Integration architecture for data, applications, and processes Using real-time information to detect/predict deviation from planning goals, and proposing alternative plans CAPES-SDM: early-warning systems for disaster risk reduction Modelling emergency situations and response actions Distributed broker system for situation discovery and collaboration between stakeholders