5 El abecedario
First 10 Letters Letter Name of Letter ah bay say chay day ay f fay ah chay ee A B C Ch D E F G H I
Next 10 Letters Letter Name of Letter hoe tah caw el lay ay yay m may n nay n yay oh pay coo J K L LL M N Ñ O P Q
Last 10 Letters Letter Name of Letter air ay airray eh say tay oo vay doble bay ay keese ee gree eg ah say tah R RR S T U V W X Y Z
Pronunciation Rules When a word ends in a consonant, stress the last syllable. (general – hen ehr AHL) When a word ends in a vowel, stress the second to last syllable. (muchacho = mu CHA cho) If another syllable needs to be stressed, an accent mark (é) is used. (María = Ma REE ah) Accent marks are only placed on vowels!!!!!!!!!! Only one accent mark is allowed in a word. Cognate – a word in Spanish that looks and sounds like the same word in English and means that word (example: foto = photo)
A=ah “ah” in all avion
B = bay English “b” bota
C = say “k” sound “ce” and “ci” make an “s" sound carro cielo
Ch = Chay “ch” in “chalk” Chico
D = day English “d” disco compacto
E = ay “ay” in day elefante
F = ef ay English “f” fruta
G = hey hard “g” in go “ge” and “gi” make “h” sound gigante Gato
H = ah chay silent helado
I = ee “ee” “eel” iglesia
J = ho tah English “h” but more guttural jarra
K = kah English “k” kayak
L= el ay English “L” leche
LL = ay yay English “y” Lluvia
M= em ay English “m” manzana
N=ehn nay English “n” nariz
Ñ=ehn yay like “ny” in canyon ñu
O=oh “o” in “boat” ocho
P=pay English “P” perro
Q=coo English “K” queso
R=air ay English “R” raton
RR = airray (trilled strongly) burro There are no Spanish words that begin with “rr.”
S=eh say English “s” Sopa
T=tay English “T” tigre
U=oo like “oo” in “pool” uñas
V=vay English “b” vaca
W=dohblay bay English “W” waflera
X=ay kees “h” sound xilófono
Y=ee gree eg ah English “Y” yogur
Z=say tah English “s” zapato
Abecedario Assignment Find a SPANISH word that represents you. On the paper, draw the letter the word starts with, the name of the letter, and a picture of the word you chose. Then write the word in SPANISH! On the back write nombre, fecha y periodo. On the back write the rubric: Content (8 pts.) _______ Spelling (7 pts.) _______ Neatness (5 pts.) ______ Creativity (5 pts.) ______ Due Wednesday 9/12!